Chapter 17

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It was nice. I liked it here. The sun was always a. It was rarely cold in the winter. At least I was told. But in a couple of weeks I was about to start school. The good thing is that I would probably not be the only new kid. Right?

I walked around my room. But my eyes caught the site of the picture of me with Selena and Xavier. God how I miss those two. It was way lonely without them around me. "I wish I could see you two again." I said under a breath. I put the picture down and threw my self on the bed.

I just laid there. With nothing. No head bids in my ears. No sleeping. I was just there. Laying there looking at the roof. My arms over my stomach. "I was wrong. This is not better than being in my old town." I looked up. My roof was empty. The other one acctually had cool mixed colors on top of it. I turned to my side and fell asleep.

It was about two when my mom woke me up. "Sweety dinner is ready." She shook me awake. "Okay mom I'm going let me just get up." I began laughing. She walked out of my room with a grin on her face. "Ugh!" I groaned as she shut the door.

I walked down the stairs. I saw Loren and my mom sitting there. They waited for me. This moment right here brought a memory I wish I could forget. But forgetting was hard. "Sweety come on down. We are waiting for you." My mom called out for me. But I started to stare into space.

I looked around the stairs. My mind brought me into my old house. I saw my dad. The one that was arrested. The one that abounded me and Loren a couple of months ago. All the things he said for me to end up running away. I looked at him. He was sitting there smiling. But why? "Ah!" I yelled in my real body not the one from the memory. I began the same actions I did in the police office. My hands over my ears. Eyes shut. Yelling help me. Dropping onto my knees. Why? Why is this happening to me. Am I going mad?

"Mommy what's going on with Jax?" I could here Loren speak over my screams. My mom was cuddling up to me. I was just there yelling. Then a door swing right open. "What is going on?" Some random guy asked. "He just broke down to crying. The he scream. What do I do?" My mom was speaking to the man. But the I felt a hand on my back. I went crazy. I jumped up and slapped the man. "Oh." The guy said. "No one touch me!" I sobbed. I didn't want a hand on me. Never!

It was about a couple of hours that I was like this. But then I finally calmed down. "What happened Jax?" My mom asked. I just sat there on my knees. I looked like if I was ignoring everyone. But I wasn't I was just paralyzed. Then I began having a seizure. "Help us!" My mom yelled to the guy. Who knew if he did because I was just shaking insanely. I looked like a fish out of water.

"Mom." My voice was raspy. I was opening my eyes as I began speaking. "Sweety." She said. I looked over. I had oxygen nose plugs in my ears. I wasn't in the best condition. I was just weak minded. I looked the same and all. It was my mind that was messed up. "Am I going home after today." My voice was dying off. I could tell. But why was it though. I turned my head and saw a man giving me a shot that was for me to fall asleep. "No!" I yelled. But I couldn't let myself go since my mom held me down. "Why?" I whispered to her. But she waved goodbye.

They began locking me with cuffs and I saw my mom and Loren crying. Were in the world was I going ot being sent to? "No mom! Come tell them to let me go free. Please?" I begged from a far distance.

I was thrown in the back of a van. "Were are ypu taking me?" I asked them to tell me the truth. "To a nice place." They told me. I looked at them. I should have not said anything. "My ass. Tell me you fuckers!" I said. They looked at me and punched me. I was knocked out.

I woke up in a padded room. But I was confused. "These aren't pads. This is a cover. What is this?" I asked myself. I looked around and then the big curtain raiser like if it was a show. I was on a cage. It couldn't be. My mom send me to a insane asylum.

There was a guard right by my side. I walked up to him quietly. "Hello were am I?" I asked the poor guy. He looked over his shoulder. Then he completely turned around. "You. Well welcome to the house of the insane. You are in the hallucination room. This is your cage. And will live here till your better. Understood?" The guard explained to me. I nodded. But did that mean i am hallucinating alot. And this is why. Wow. I am weird child.

A/n: sorry for the short Chapter. I ran out of ideas for this chapter. So I'll see you in a nother chapter. Love you <3. Byeeeee!

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