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I rested my cheek in the palm of my hand, as I lightly sketched a random picture onto my physics homework which I had finished an hour ago.

I was currently at work and the end of my shift was only about 15 minutes away. The light from the cheap bulbs was burning my tired eyes. I could not wait to get out of here and go home.

Over the months I have worked here, my body built up its own sort of sleeping schedule. As I had a couple of hours between the end of school and the beginning of my shift, I would use that time to nap so that I would get enough total rest. At first it was annoying, but I've gotten used to it.

This also meant that I had time to do my homework during work, as there was free wifi for the employees. If my phone was not enough to help me out, I would visit the local library over the weekend and use the computers in there, or just do my thing with the ones at school if I got the chance to. It was a weird system and hard to get used to, but I adapted to it quite easily.

Usually we never got any customers here at 3 am so I was beyond startled when I heard the ringing of the bell which hung by the door. My head shot up, becoming alert to my surroundings all over again.

As this was a gas station, the only customers I ever got at this time were truckers who were just passing by, but that was quite uncommon too as this town was not really near any highways. So, when I saw the tip of a baseball cap poking out from behind the aisles, I became confused as that was not likely for a trucker to wear.

Finally, the person came into my line of sight and all I wanted to do was sink through the ground and beyond the core of the earth. Approaching me with a goofy grin on his face was none other than Vic Fuentes, my second least favourite person.

"Hey, Kellin," he chirped, closing the folder my homework was in, sliding it to the side, and placing his elbows on the desk in front of me, leaning forward.

"Why are you here?" I snapped, wanting nothing to do with this guy. He was annoying, preppy and overly cocky. At least that was the vibe he gave off. Luckily he was not as bad as his brother, but then again being a better person than Mike Fuentes is no more of an achievement than being a better person than Hitler.

"Watch your tone, you shouldn't talk that way to paying customers," he warned, but the smirk and teasing voice gave away that he was joking.

To prove my point of not caring, I rolled my eyes and replied with, "Get the fuck out."

What did he want? We never even communicated with each other except for that night (my cheeks warmed up at the memory). I had tried to push it out of my mind for the time being, but being here with him alone reminded me of the huge problem I had. My mum still did not know, but I had to tell her soon.

"Jeez, chill," he raised his hands in surrender, "I just came to talk."

"Talk?" I scoffed. "At nearly 3 am?"

"I was also hoping to take you home after your shift ends..." He trailed off, leaving the proposition out in the open.I gave him a weird look, wondering why he was suddenly acting like this. I could not help but quickly link it to last weekend.

"What makes you think I need a ride home?"

"Well, it's quite late and you don't seem like someone who would be able to defend themselves if something were to happen," Vic awkwardly scratched the back of his neck, rocking from foot to foot.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I challenged, narrowing my eyes accusingly.

"There are a lot of dodgy people out there at this time and you're...you know..."

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