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Waking up next to Vic after a sweet night together was something I could get used to. However something I was not entirely happy about was that, when we finally got out of bed and dressed ourselves, I had to eat breakfast at the table with Mike. So far I had been doing a pretty good job of avoiding him whenever I came here to hang out with Vic but apparently the Fuentes family had a tradition of having all of their meals together at the large dinner table.

To my utter displeasure, Mike sat down directly opposite me and I was instantly uncomfortable. He had this stupid smirk on his face, as if making me feel like this was fun for him. He had been staying out of my way recently and I had not messed with him either. It was a lot nicer this way but I knew it probably would not last long. I was not going to let Mike get away with treating me like shit though: if he said something rude to me, I'd say something worse back; if he hit me, I'd hit him back harder.

Vic's hand was rested on my knee for all of breakfast and his mom, Vivian, kept running back and forth between the kitchen and the dining room, bringing me multiple servings of food because in her opinion I looked too skinny. She was right and, as much as I felt the need to decline out of politeness, I knew that this would be the biggest meal I had eaten in a couple of years and I fully deserved it too.

Vic's dad never joined us for breakfast and I soon realised that I hadn't seen him around at all. I wondered what stopped him from coming home to his family even on Sundays. Maybe his job required it and, if he worked so much, I was not surprised that they were so rich. On the other hand, my mom worked for longer than not yet we weren't so fortunate.

After Vivian decided that I had enough to eat, and I literally could not force any more down, Vic and I retreated upstairs into his room. I had no idea when I was supposed to be home, as my mom mostly trusted me and I never really had a curfew, so I assumed that it would be okay to stay for a while longer as Vic was insisting on it.


It had taken me a lot of courage to do so but I had finally booked an appointment to have the baby's first ultrasound. This mainly happened through days of my mom pestering me about it, because I was simply too scared. The scan would be nothing big and would be just a procedural thing to check whether the baby was healthy, but that was the problem. What if the baby was not well? I did not want to say that I was being careless, but sometimes life got in the way of me keeping myself and the baby completely healthy, so I was terrified of being told bad news.

The date finally rolled around and I had no idea what to do. My mom could not come with me as she had work and I felt as though it would be weird to ask Vic to come (although it was inevitable that he would ask what I was doing after school as we would hang out most days). I knew he would want to come, but I did not even know if he was the father of the baby and I thought it would be strange to bring him. But at the same time, a pregnant boy was quite an abnormality too.

School had just ended and, like always, Vic was waiting outside of his car for me, leaning against the hood. I smiled nervously at him before we both hopped in.

"Who's place are we going to today, mine or yours?" Vic asked casually, starting up the car.

"Actually, if it's not too much trouble, do you mind taking me to the hospital?" I asked quite sheepishly, feeling a bit silly saying that. Vic's head snapped in my direction.

"Hospital? Why? Are you okay?" He instantly bombarded me with concerned questions. It was cute how much he worried.

"Yeah, I'm completely fine, I just booked an appointment to get my first ultrasound..." I trailed off quietly, feeling me cheeks go pink.

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