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I slept the whole night in Vic's arms on the rusty park bench surrounded by the luscious smell of pine trees and the song of morning birds, but ended up getting woken up by the vibration of my phone. It made me jump slightly, which scared Vic who, I later found out, had not slept at all.

"Why didn't you sleep?" I asked, nuzzling into his chest with a yawn. It was way past dawn but still too early for any kids to be in the park.

"Jet lag," he answered, but the tired tone to his voice told me otherwise.

I picked up my phone, remembering that I received a text and gazed at the screen with a frown. Mum wanted me at the hospital later and I wondered if maybe something happened to dad, instantly starting to worry. But the fact that she never told me to come right now gave away that it was not too urgent.

In my head, the whole idea of dad being this huge villain who ruined my life had faded slightly. It was still there, because he was clearly responsible for some things, but I thought logically about it and came to the conclusion that my dad was not as bad as I had made him out to be before.

I asked Vic if he wanted to come to the hospital later and he gave a shrug, so I decided to take him. There wouldn't really be anything else for him to do here.

Standing up for the first time that morning revealed how truly uncomfortable sleeping on a park bench could be, even if you were in a hot boy's arms. Having my back hurt so much would have probably put me in an awful mood if not for the fact that Vic was here to make everything better.

We took a cab to my home first to drop off Vic's belongings so that he would not have to drag everything around with him at the hospital. The house was fairly large and had a guest bedroom but we left his things in my room anyway because there was no way I would let him sleep in a bed other than mine. I could not argue against the fact that I had missed him, even if only a few days had passed. That must have been due to the fact that we would hang out together on most days during and after school, so being away from each other felt awkward.

To my pleasure, Callum was not home when we got there, so we could do everything in peace. I was still furious with him and how he thought he had the right to dictate what my gender was. He would probably be at the hospital and I just could not wait for him to meet Vic - note the sarcasm.

"This place is really nice," Vic commented, his eyes scanning my bedroom, as he had done with the rest of the house when we arrived.

"Better than a shitty two-bedroom apartment, huh?" I asked, slightly bitterly. I was honestly jealous of how Callum got to live in this huge house all by himself, but mum and I were stuck in this tiny place together. I found that it was completely not fair.

"I never said that," Vic was quick to defend and I looked at him apologetically: I was putting words in his mouth. I wrapped my arms around Vic's torso and placed my head on his chest, breathing in the familiar scent which always made me feel so safe. I felt blessed to have someone like him in my life.

"Thank you," I whispered into the fabric of his clothes, holding him tighter.

"For what?" He murmured, pulling away in order to look at my face.

"For always being there for me," I said, and the smile which grew on Vic's face was so contagious that I found myself grinning too. The boy leaned forward and pressed his lips to mine in a sweet kiss which I wanted to savour forever, and held me close.

"It's my job," he said after we finally pulled away and he sounded so charming that I wanted to kiss him all over again. So I did. This time though I was more forceful to show how strongly I felt towards him.

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