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Vic and I sat in an intense silence inside of his car which was in the hospital's parking lot, not moving. Both of us just stared ahead quietly, not really knowing what to say or where to even begin.

After the strange encounter with the doctor, who I was still mentally cursing out, Vic and I did not talk. We just walked out of the room, he paid, and we left the hospital. We entered his car and I expected Vic to just drive away, drop me off at home, and never talk to me again. Instead, he just sat there and so did I, waiting for him to make the first move whilst fiddling with the gauze patch stuck to my nose.

The silence was slowly becoming unbearable and I knew that if neither of us said anything within the next few seconds, I would probably explode. Luckily, Vic's voice finally cut through the thick air.

"When were you going to tell me?" He asked slowly, as if he was stepping on eggshells with his words.

"Probably never," I breathed, bowing my head because I was too scared to look him in the eyes.

It was true, though. No one my age would want a baby to take care of so, even if I did tell Vic, he would most likely walk out on me. So there was no point: I would just drop out of school, get a different job where my and my mom's hours worked better, and take care of the baby. My transition process would be postponed by months, if not even years, and I was not exactly happy with that, but there was not much I could do about it. Neither Vic nor Mike - whichever one it actually was - would be up for being a father so I would be left alone to fend for myself again. But it was okay; I had grown accustomed to that idea.

Vic nodded and gulped, still not looking at me but rather straight ahead.

"Does Mike know?" He asked cautiously.

"Of course Mike doesn't know! He'd probably beat the shit out of me if I told him," I answered, quite snappily as well.

That was when a thought came to my mind. I wondered if Mike even knew that Vic was involved in this as well. Obviously Vic was aware, as Mike went around spewing it out to everyone, but I had not heard anyone say a word about what happened between Vic and I that night. Maybe he kept it to himself.

"Why wouldn't you want to say anything?" He asked curiously, finally turning to me.

"Both you and Mike are teenage boys who want to finish school and go to uni and do something with your life. It would ruin everything for you," I answered monotonously.

"But if you're alone with a baby, especially in your kind of financial situation," that only hurt a little bit, "then your life will be basically ruined."

I shrugged in response, "It was never that good in the first place so there won't be much of a change. There's no point trying to drag anyone else into this."

Vic sighed in frustration and leaned forward, resting his head in his hands. He was speaking to me calmly but I could tell how much he was freaking out on the inside. I had been like that too until I accepted the baby and the fact that it was part of me now.

"How did this happen anyway?" He questioned, briefly glancing up at me.

"What do you mean?"

"I thought you couldn't get pregnant if you're on testosterone. That's the only reason I didn't use a...you know."

That made everything so much clearer. Maybe Vic's intentions with me during that night were not entirely malevolent, he just made an assumption which unluckily was not true.

"I'm not on testosterone," I said quietly. "I can't afford HRT."

Vic did not say anything, just buried his head even deeper into his hands. Was he beating himself up over this, just like I had been doing? Finding out you might have gotten someone pregnant must have been a shock.

At last, Vic decided to ask the one question which always seemed to be the deal breaker. He did it with such caution and sounded so unsure.

"Do you...want to keep it?"

"Yes," I quickly replied. I had not changed my mind in the slightest since the last time I had this conversation. I wanted this baby more than anything, even if it meant sacrificing many important things.

"Me too," Vic breathed.

I froze for a second, a bit taken aback. He was already talking about this baby as if they were his and it made me feel warm on the inside. Vic actually wanted to keep it, unlike what I had imagined. Maybe he was just mature enough to take responsibility.

"Really?" I asked, just to make sure.

Vic grinned and turned to face me, "I'm up for anything as long as it's with you."


For the first time ever, I was over at Vic's house. Out of school, we would usually only be at my apartment but I did not want to disturb my mom so we went to Vic's place instead. Classes had not finished yet, so Mike was not there (which I was thankful for).

Vic's house was so huge it might have been a mansion. It was pure white with a light brown roof and a pale blue front door. Outside was a driveway which traced a circular garden patch that had majestic flowers growing on it. Hedges were lining the outer walls of the house, just below the windows. The whole building had an asymmetric vibe, with slanted roofs and weirdly-shaped rooms.

I liked the mess though and I could not help but envy Vic. I wondered what his parents did to be able to afford this kind of place.

As we entered and walked through the magical house, I was gazing around in awe whereas Vic was inattentively shuffling through.

Abstract paintings and potted plants lined the walls which had purple floral patterns on them. Everything here was so pretty!

After a trip up a grand marble staircase, we found ourselves in Vic's room. So far, this was the most laid back place in this house. There were a few posters of bands on this walls, he had a shelf with some comic books on it, a desk with a PC. His room was just average and, although the rest of the house was nicer, Vic's bedroom felt more homely.

The boy collapsed onto his bed and I just awkwardly stood there, not sure what to do with myself. Vic wanted to come here to talk some more but I did not think either of us were in the mood for that. I just wanted to spend some nice stress-free time with my friend and I think he had the same idea.

Vic patted the spot on the bed next to him and I smiled sitting down on the comfortable mattress which had his scent all over it. Now that I thought about it, he smelt faintly of cologne and peppermint.

"Wanna watch a film?" Vic asked casually, standing up. I moved further up the bed to be leaning against the pillows and nodded, not really having any better ideas. The bed stood opposite a hanging TV, so it was quite convenient.

"Isn't it a bit too early for Netflix and chill?" I found myself asking before I could stop myself.

Vic twisted around on his heel and gave me a funny look, while reaching up to retrieve something from a cupboard. I could not believe my big mouth just said that! I guess it was strange because Vic was always the one making inappropriate jokes so this was out of character.

I suddenly felt a lot more open-minded towards Vic. Before, I was limiting myself with the thoughts that, like everyone else, he would just leave me and I did not want the heartbreak of that. Now, though, after his confession that he wanted to keep the baby and all of his kind words, I felt so much closer to him. I did not want to hold back and completely blank him every time he said something foward.

Vic returned with some snacks and drinks and lay down next to me again. I smiled at him and he smiled back. He offered a few films to watch and I told him to choose whichever one he wanted because I honestly did not care, I just wanted to be here with him.

He put the movie on and slid his arm around my shoulder. I instantly curled up into his side and smiled into his chest. Throughout the whole film, the boy basically forced me to have some of the snacks he brought, claiming that I needed to eat more and be healthier. How could he be so caring all of the time?

I could not believe that the boy I used to hate made me feel safer than anyone else.

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