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I began on my morning routine as usual: dragged myself out of bed, brushed my teeth, and picked out some clothes to wear for the day. This was the part where I stood in front of my long mirror, staring at my exposed chest with a roll of duct tape in my hand. But I hesitated.

I had been using the same method to make my chest seem smaller for years now. Bruises were always scattered around my torso from this, sometimes making me feel like they were a permanent thing. Once I even shattered a rib but, of course, I did not go to the hospital. Binding with tape, although not encouraged in any way and proved as dangerous, was always my way of doing it because that was the only option I could afford. What made me hesitate was the thought of the little person growing inside of me who might be negatively affected by my decision. And so, with a heavy heart, I placed the duct tape down.

I frowned as I reached into my drawer and picked up the first bra I came across. I did not own any sports bras, just average ones which certainly did not assist my desire to make my breasts less noticeable. Seeing myself in a bra was unfamiliar to me and, in all honesty, even made me feel a bit uncomfortable. It just did not feel right to me. I was all for not conforming to gender roles but having some of my most feminine features being emphasised was heartbreaking.

This day already had a depressing start so, in order to cheer myself up, I entered the bathroom and looked through the cabinets there until I found the makeup which I had not used in a while. Just because I was a boy did not mean that I did not want my skin to look nicer or my face to look seem more sculpted. I did not use this much anymore but I decided that making myself look better would make the sorrowful feeling disappear from my chest or at least lessen it. And applying the makeup (whilst obviously avoiding the sore area around my nose) and watching my face brighten up did put me in a better mood, even if it was not exactly masculine of me.

After that, feeling more feminine than ever yet still prettier, I made my way to school.


The day was not too bad. I had been greeted at my locker by Vic who instantly noticed my slightly bigger chest, but ignored it and decided to comment on how nice my face looked instead.

The classes seemed to drag on and Mike, obviously not satisfied with the fact that he literally broke my nose, pointed out my breasts. I only replied with snide comments which embarassment him in front of everyone and by the end of our first class, he was clearly mad.

The only good parts of the day were the breaks during which I could hang out with Vic and be myself. I felt a bit bad that he had been ditching all of his other friends for me, but that did not seem to bother him.

Finally the day ended and I was instantly greeted with a text from my mom asking me to go grocery shopping because she was busier than usual. I, of course, could not decline and I carried a credit card anyway so it would not be a problem. Vic was more than happy to drive me to a local supermarket.

I picked up a basket and walked into the store, noticing Vic doing the same out of the corner of my eye. He probably needed to do some shopping as well. I did the usual thing of getting a loaf of bread and Vic picked up two as well. I got some butter, and Vic picked that up too. I thougut nothing of it.

Scaling the shelves, I noticed some dark chocolate and my gaze lingered on it, as it had always been my mom's favourite. I fished it into my hand but, as soon as I saw the price, I knew I could not buy it. It certainly did not cost much but that small amount of money could be spent on a necessity rather than a luxury.

As soon as I put the chocolate bar down, I caught a glimpse of Vic putting it into his own basket. I frowned in confusion but quickly brushed it off as a coincidence.

Next I went to the vegetable aisle but only picked out a few items, whereas Vic was stuffing his basket. I completely avoided the candy area, but my friend explored it a lot. For drinks I only got water but Vic went for more.

Finally, when I was done, I paid for my shopping, which was the usually low amount of money, but had to wait for Vic because he was taking longer. I wondered why he was doing the shopping for his family. Couldn't they get someone to do it for them or order online? I did not say anything about it though, mainly because I was relieved that Vic did not offer to pay for me. That would have been so embarrassing.

When we reached my house, I grabbed all of my shopping bags from the car and, quite curiously, saw Vic taking his as well. Weird. We walked up the stairs to get to my apartment and burst inside. Mom was home and I spotted her looking through some sheets of paper in the living room, and we greeted her kindly.

I placed my bags down on the counters in the small kitchen and noticed Vic do the same. The curiosity was getting too much and, just as I was about to ask him what was up, he fished out his phone and glanced at the screen. For some reason the surprised expression on his face looked fake.

"Gosh darn it! Mike just texted me that he already did the shopping this morning. I guess I don't need any of this stuff then," he exclaimed, obviously exaggerating his reaction, while motioning to the items he bought. Next, he looked up at me and made eye contact, with a sly smile. "I might as well leave it here then."

My jaw dropped into a perfect 'o' shape, "What? You most certainly won't-!"

"Sorry, Kells, I've got a busy afternoon. I have to go!" And, just like that, with that stupid smirk still on his face, Vic quickly waltzed out of the front door and I could hear his speedy footsteps practically running outside, trying to make sure I did not try to catch him.

I could not believe that boy! This was his plan all along - that was why he did not offer to pay for me, which was so out of character for him. I should have known that it was too much of a coincidence for him to have to do his shopping as well.

I was practically fuming. How dare he? What gave him the right to do that? Exactly - nothing. It was not his responsibility to be buying food for me when I was perfectly capable of supplying it for myself. Okay, maybe that was a lie but I did not need his pity or his money.

"You should really appreciate what Vic does," I could hear a voice come from behind me and I spun around, my lips finally closing into a tight line. Even with my mother's soothing voice talking to me, I was still furious. She stood before me, looking tired as usual but the bags under her eyes were not as prominent. "He means well."

"I know but I don't need him to buy me the most basic things like food!" I said through tightly gritted teeth.

"You may not need it but the baby does. Vic just cares about you and wants to help and, from how I've seen you two interact, I can tell that this boy is head over heels for you. Stop pushing him away," mom smiled reassuringly before turning around and going back to the paperwork.

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