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Tbh I don't even have a plot for this yet, I'm just going with the flow lmaoooo



Mom had that look on her face again.

It was a look that told me I would not be pleased with her. That I would be let down again. That it was her fault. That there was another thing in my life to be miserable about.

I sighed and dropped my bag to the floor. It was Friday now. School was not so bad this week, which was understandable as there were only eight people there in total. We mostly did crafty things like making banners for school events or posters to display around the classrooms. It was very calm and relaxing and I managed to ignore Vic Fuentes for basically most of it.

I knew that on Monday everything would go back to normal. Everyone would be back and they would be talking about how amazing their trip was and how happy they were, whereas I would be sitting sad and alone. That was how things just were and they would probably never change.

I gazed at my mum longingly, silently asking for her to just tell me what was going on.

"I'm sorry, Kellin," she said sorrowfully, stepping forward and engulfing me in a hug. "I know I promised that you'd be able to go on testosterone this month, but money has been tight again and we can't afford it just yet."

"Oh," my voice broke although I tried to hide it. "I-It's okay. I understand, it's not your fault."

I buried my face deeper into her shoulder. Why was I so upset by this? It happened every time so I should have learnt not to let it get to me. But, for some reason, I could not help it. I just wanted to start my transition so badly and, even though I tried to be positive about how things were right now, I still felt like crying.

I was not going to cry though. Crying is for girls.

I had no real reason to cry anyway. I should have been expecting this. Why was I always so sensitive? It was a trait I had to unlearn, otherwise I would just end up getting hurt over and over again when things did not go my way. And, with the position I was in, things rarely went my way.

I was going to start my hormone replacement therapy, just not now. Maybe next month. Maybe the month after that. But I just need to keep reminding myself that it would happen one day, rather than breaking down over it.

I pulled back from the hug and looked at my mom. The bags under her eyes looked heavy as ever and her dark hair was pulled back in a messy ponytail. She looked absolutely exhausted and I did not blame her.

This was the first time this week that I was able to actually have a conversation with my mom. She did not have work today and, although I did, I didn't have to sleep beforehand as tomorrow was Saturday so I could just make it up then. Saturday - or rather Saturday into Sunday - was the only night I did not have work. I wanted to work full weekends as well, but mom persisted against it with the excuse that I had to focus on things like school as well and I deserved a break.

I guess I could see where she was coming from but having that little bit of extra money from a weekend shift could have probably gotten me that testosterone. I did not speak up about it though.

Today was the day I was going to tell her about what happened a few weeks ago. I had been able to push it to the back of my mind and keep it out of my life for the last few days but I knew that mom would find out sooner or later and I'd rather that happened with me telling her.

It was so hard to bring up the courage to do so. She just told me something which broke my heart and it was my turn to tell her something which would ruin her.

I had to tell her how irresponsible and careless I was. How there would be another mouth to feed, but no money to supply it with food. How I did not even know who the father was.

It would disappoint her so much but it had to be said.

"Mom, I need to tell you something," I said slowly, chewing the inside of my cheek nervously. This was it: the moment of truth. The few words that would change our lives forever. She looked up at me with curious eyes, telling me I had her full attention. "Remember that party I went to about a month a-"

My sentence was cut short by the sound of a knock at our door.

I raised my head in confusion. Who could that be? My mind instantly jumped to the worst ideas. It could be someone telling us that we could not live here anymore and had to move out. It could be one of our bosses, informing us that we lost our jobs and were cut short of a much needed source of income. It could be a social worker who came to take me away from my mother. I just could not come up with a single positive conclusion as to who it might be.

Mom pulled away and went to answer the door. Meanwhile I felt my stomach rumblimg loudly and turned towards our kitchenette to grab something to eat but decided against it. I was not even that hungry and mom deserved it more.

"Kellin!" I heard her sweet voice call out. "It's someone for you."

I raised my eyebrows. Who would possibly want to see me?

I made my way through the small apartment and towards the front door. My mom shuffled to the side in order to reveal who it was and I felt my heart rate escalate at the sight of the person.

Why the fuck was Vic Fuentes at my front door?

"Hey!" He greeted with a lazy grin.

"What do you want?" I snapped in annoyance. What was he even doing here? And how did he find the number of our apartment?

"Kellin!" My mom scolded, as she still stood there and listened while holding the door open. "Don't be so rude."

"Yeah, Kellin," Vic repeated teasingly with a smirk. "Don't be so rude."

I sighed in aggravation and rolled my eyes. Mom realised that I would probably want to speak with him alone, so she excused herself and returned into her bedroom. I turned back to Vic.

"Why are you here?" I asked coldly, ready to just slam the door in his face.

"Jeez, why are you always so mad at me?" He asked, leaning against the doorframe, still amused. "Your mom seems lovely; I wonder who you got the bitchy gene from."

"It's not a gene, your presence just makes me want to bash my head against a wall until I bleed out," I shot back.

"Wow, graphic," Vic laughed. I didn't.

I analysed the boy's appearance. He was dressed in his usual clothes, with outerwear over the top in the form of a denim jacket. In addition he carried a backpack. He looked ready to go somewhere.

I hated how he would just randomly show up out of nowhere. It was quite obvious that his attitude towards me only changed after our night together. This was all probably a way to get into my pants again, which I did not know why he would want to do. He got his laughing material, so what else did he want from me?

"Anyway," he brushed off the previous conversation like it did not happen, "remember that Yellowcard concert in told you about? Well it's today and-"

I slammed the door shut before he could get another word in.

I did not want his stupid concert tickets or his sudden kindness or anything! I just wanted him out of my life. He caused enough damage already yet he did not seem to get the hint that I did not want to be anywhere near him.

Vic could not win me over with material goods. He could not win me over at all! That was just the way it was. I'm not supposed to have friends and people are not supposed to be nice to me. I accepted that and learned to live with it, but now here he was trying to change things which are not supposed to be changed.

I wanted nothing but to get as far away from him as possible, so I ignored his persistent knocking on the door and retreated into the apartment. He would go to his concert and I would bury my face in a math textbook.

That was how things were supposed to be and that was how they would stay.

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