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Apparently Vic made Mike bring my belongings to their house from where I left them at school, so now the older of the two brothers had left to collect the things for me and bring them back.

"Honey," mom placed her kind hand on my shoulder, rubbing it soothingly. "I didn't really want to bring this up with Vic around, because I didn't know if you'd be comfortable or not, but I have some good news."

This sparked my interest. Good news weren't a common occurrence in my life.

"What is it?" I asked, placing my now-empty mug on the coffee table in the lounge. We had not moved from our positions.

"So I got a promotion at work and received a good bonus from it. We're finally able to afford the hormones!"

I should have been happy - no, scratch that, I should have been ecstatic. But, instead of thinking about all of the amazing things that would come from this, I became alarmed. The testosterone would stop my periods and prevent me from being able to have kids. If I started the HRT now, how would that affect the baby I was carrying?

I nervously bit my lip, but quickly stopped when it emitted pain. I had forgotten that my lip was still busted from this morning.

What was I going to do now? I had to tell mom, there was no other way. I could not just decline the testosterone without her getting suspicious, seeing as I had been begging for it for the last few years. This was literally the worst timing possible.

I opened my mouth, about to answer, but instead of words came yet another unexpected wave of nausea. Placing my hand over my mouth, I jumped up and sprinted into the bathroom like my life depended on it. As soon as I got there, I fell to my knees in front of the toilet and emptied out all that I had eaten, bile burning the back of my throat with its bitter taste. It felt like my mouth was on fire.

When I was done, I pulled away and sat on the backs of my legs, flinching from how cold the floor tiles were. I took deep breaths to steady myself. Why was this happening to me?

I could feel a presence behind me so I twisted around and saw mom with an empathetic look on her face. Gazing up at her, through short ragged breaths, I managed to force out some words.

"I-I can't go on the hormones, mom, not yet. I'm...I'm..."

"Pregnant," she finished, her voice cracking, as she brushed off some dark hair from her face.

I nodded weakly, wanting to just close on myself and collapse. I guess the sickness and the fact that I did not want to start HRT was a dead giveaway. Saying that I was ashamed of myself would be an understatement. This would make everything so much more complicated for both of us.

"How did it happen?" My mom questioned. She had every right to know.

"It was at that party about two months ago now. I know I said I wouldn't go, but I went anyway and I'm so sorry," I instantly felt tears filling my eyes at the memory. I fucked up so much. I knew I was strong and I never cried, but this was just so intense and so humiliating. "It was so stupid of me! I drank way too much and I couldn't keep it together."

She nodded in understanding. I had no idea how she was so calm about this, "Who's the father?"

"I...I don't know," I choked out. "It's between two people."


"Vic and his brother, Mike."

I dropped my head and cried harder than before. This was such a mess and it was all my fault. I had always been rational and smart, so why did I have to let that all go for that one night?

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