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Things between Vic and I were happening so quickly. Then again we got a head start with, well, already having had sex before. We tried not to mention it though, giving ourselves a fresh start.

I was not sure what we were but I preferred it this way. We kissed and hugged sometimes, keeping the PDA out of school though, yet we never really established what we wanted to be. It was like a relationship but without the restrictions. Not that I was scared of commitment or something; I was more scared of getting my heart broken, so the solution was simple: if we were not officially together, I could not get dumped. And who needs labels anyway?

The following week was quite busy, with managing the bake sales and games and events for the trans youth movement at school, but it was enjoyable. I grew closer to Vic's friends, as I got to spend more time with them and work together, and I think they warmed up to me too. It seemed as though as soon as I started letting Vic in, everything was beginning to go well for me.

Overall, we raised about $600 which was an unbelievable amount and I was so proud. When this money would get shared out between all transgender students in this school (there weren't many of us) it would be equal to about three months worth of hormone replacement therapy. That was absolutely amazing and no matter how many times I repeated the words 'thank you', I could not show how truly grateful I was to have Vic with me. We may have had a rocky start but everything was going smoothly now.

Tonight was going to be fun. A couple of weeks had passed and Vic and I were close, both as friends and in a possible relationship kind of way. He had invited me to stay the night at his house, his excuse being that he was failing sociology and I was a 'genius' so I had to help him otherwise he would not graduate. I knew that he may have had other things on his mind but one look at his grades told me that if he did not get some tutoring he seriously might have to go to summer school. Overall I had viewed Vic as a pretty smart guy so I never expected this from him but, then again, the amount of times he's been in detention or tried to persuade me to skip class with him spoke for itself. Some could say he was a bad influence, but I was too stubborn to actually get influenced by him.

My mom was making a bigger deal out of it than it actually was. In the past I was able to go out and do what I wanted, maybe not even come back for the night. This was not because my mother wasn't strict, it was because she trusted me. However, after I revealed the pregnancy to her, I could tell that some of the trust she held in me disappeared, which was completely understandable.

When I told her I was staying over at Vic's place, mom looked enthusiastic enough to throw a party. This was because I hadn't had a 'sleepover' pretty much since I was about 14. I hadn't really had friends since I was about 14 either. She was just happy that I had someone like Vic in my life. I hadn't exactly told her about what was going on between us because we were both still unsure of it.

"Be careful and make sure to be in bed by ten. Behave yourselves; I don't want Mrs Fuentes calling me up and saying you two burned down the house. Oh and no naughty activities!"

"It wouldn't really make a difference," I laughed, pointing at my already growing stomach. Mom just gave me an unimpressed look but I saw the corners of her mouth twitch.

On the topic of pregnancy, I needed to get my first ultrasound scan soon. They had to be done between 8 and 14 weeks and, if my calculations were correct (which they usually were) I was about 11 weeks along. I wondered if I should come alone or bring Vic or Mike or both.

One day I really needed to find out who the other father of the baby was. I would not love the baby any less if they were Mike's, but I knew that if the baby was Vic's I would get so much more help. If Vic was the father then maybe I would not even have to drop out of school.

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