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I trudged up to school, my heavy backpack hurting my shoulders. I was dreading the rest of the week for so many reasons.

A trip was organised for our school's juniors and seniors. It seemed really fun: going on a plane, visiting Italy, staying in fancy hotels, exploring, being there until the end of the week. Pretty much everyone was going...except for me. The reason behind that being the fact that it cost nearly $500.

To most it was a reasonable price for spending a privileged week in Italy, but I obviously could not go. As soon as I told my mom about the price, she declined. I did not blame her, fully knowing how tight money was and we should not be wasting it on things like these, yet I could not help but wish that things were different.

Sometimes I just wanted to be like the other people my age. They were living their teenage years to the fullest by travelling, partying and making the most of their lives. Everything was so different for them. They did not feel like they were trapped in a body they did not belong to. They did not have to be scared for their life every time they came home from work. They did not have to skip breakfast every morning just so that their mom could eat, as she deserved it more. They did not have to worry about whether they would still have a place to live in by the end of the month. They had so many things I would have given my life for, yet most of them did not even appreciate it.

The most stupid thing about this was that, even if you were not going to the Italy trip, you still had to come into school to do other things. I did not think they realised that literally only about ten people out of something close to 300 did not go. We would not be having normal lessons obviously but I had a feeling that whatever they planned would not be good.

I grumbled under my breath, feeling nauseous at the sight of the five coaches waiting outside of the school building, with a sea of students standing near them, ready to get on. I just bowed my head and walked past them, entering the building.

We had been instructed to meet at the assembly hall and, although I was a bit early, I made my way down there anyway. The hallways were only swarming with younger students as I pushed through the crowds. When I finally arrived at the hall, I opened up the door to see a couple of tables with art supplies on top of them and a few chairs near them. At first I thought the room was empty, until I heard the clicking of shoes against the waxed floor.

I turned to the side to see someone mindlessly pacing along the wall, phone in hand, gaze locked onto the screen. I squinted my eyes to get a better look and was surprised to see that it was no other than Vic Fuentes.

My cheeks went red at the remembrance of the encounter we had just last night. Well, really it was only about five hours ago.

I wondered what he was doing here. Surely, he would be going on the trip to Italy. He was senior so he was okay to go, and his brother went, so why was he here? Vic was definitely rich enough to afford it.

He raised his head and linked his eyes with mine, flashing me a warm smile and waving. I just stared, moving towards one of the seats and other than that I ignored him. He might have been of help to me yesterday but even he said so himself that I did not owe him anything. So, why was he expecting a friendship from me now?

I studied the information sheets and materials that were laid out on the table, dropping my bag. It seemed like we were all just going to be making posters and advertisements for some charity event which was taking place in a couple weeks. Sure, this was not so bad but what about tomorrow and the day after and the day after that? We could not be making charity cupcake sale posters for the whole week. This was a bit pointless anyway. They definitely could have made some of the younger classes do this rather than force us to come and basically waste our time. Well done, school.

"Hey," a voice greeted and the chair next to me became occupied by Vic.

"Hi," I responded sharply and briefly, trying to drop the hint that I was not interested in a conversation with him.

"What's up? Why aren't you going on the Italy trip?" He asked, being nosey as ever. I did not understand how his attitude towards me changed so much. Before all of this, he pretty much ignored my existence or treated me like shit, but now he was giving me all the attention in the world!

I was being cautious, but decided to answer anyway. It's not like he could do anything bad with this information and, even so, he was acting a lot nicer.

"I can't afford it," I replied simply, as there was not much else to it. Before he could jump in to ask more about it, I returned his question with curiosity, "What about you?"

"I was going to go, but I bought tickets to a Yellowcard concert, which is on Friday, a few months ago and I was not about to miss seeing my favourite band on their last tour, even if it's for Italy. I can just go some other time," he explained and I felt my heart drop at his words, the familiar sinking feeling returning.

It was so obscure for me to hear this: he can just go to Italy some other time. I can't. I would probably never go to Italy. Or even a stupid Yellowcard concert for that matter. And he was throwing these words around like they meant nothing. Like seeing your favourite band was an everyday thing. Like going to Italy was no big deal.

"I was planning to go to the concert with my brother," Vic continued, "but he said he would rather go to Italy, after I bought his ticket! Can you believe that? So I asked some other friends if they wanted to come instead, but they're all going on the trip as well."

I nodded along. That seemed reasonable. I quite liked Yellowcard so I knew about how they were going on their final tour and breaking up. If that was the case with my favourite band, I would not miss it for the world.

But once again, I was trumped by Mike's views. He treated concert tickets, which must have cost a fortune, like stupid meaningless things. How could he be so ungrateful?

"So...do you like Yellowcard?" Vic asked smugly with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah, they're pretty good," I shrugged nonchalantly, wondering where the hell everyone else was. Surely, we weren't the only two left behind. And weren't there any teachers around to supervise us?

"Well I have a spare ticket and I was wondering if-"

"No." I replied, quickly and sternly.

"Why not?" He whined in an almost begging voice.

"Because you don't actually want me to come with you. I'm your last option, like the person you turn to when everyone else lets you down. You just don't want the ticket to go to waste, which is understandable, but if you really wanted me to go I would not be your last choice."

"Come on, you know it's not-"

"I don't have the money to pay you back anyway," I cut him off again, not even wanting to hear his excuses.

"You don't have to pay me back. It's a gift," he offered.

"I don't need any gifts from you," I muttered. "You must have friends in other schools. Why won't you ask them?"

A short silence passed between us for a few moments before Vic broke it with a quiet voice, while meeting my eyes, "Because I want to go with you."

I stared at him for a couple more seconds, before huffing and dropping my head. There was no way I would go with him. I barely even knew the guy. What if this was all a hoax and it was actually a plan to drive me out to the middle of nowhere and beat me up? That sounded more like something Mike would do but Vic was quite unpredictable too.

I just couldn't trust him.

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