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It seemed like I was always in a bad mood. I was not sure whether it was just my general pessimistic personality or the fact that something always seemed to go wrong for me. Today? I had an after school detention, meaning that at least an hour would be cut off from my already-tight sleeping schedule.

The cause of that was the fact that I was very late this morning, only coming in half way through second period with a busted lip and a slight limp. This occurred as, on my way to school, I encountered a familiar group of people and they weren't exactly friendly. I had seen them around a lot: harassing random people on the street and robbing them off their expenses. I never really stepped in; what could I do anyway? Today, however, they targeted me.

I was happily making my way to school when, all of a sudden, I was roughly grabbed from behind and thrown onto my back. Then came a lot of threats from them and begging from me until they realised that I carried nothing of value and left, not before throwing a couple of punches and kicks. Life's great!

There was no way I was missing school though, so I managed to drag myself in, but obviously not without a detention for being late. It was annoying as I never really got detentions but, then again, I never really got jumped on my way to school either. It usually happened on my way from work instead.

Begrudgingly, I trotted into the allocated science lab as soon as lessons finished and took a seat at the back behind one of the work stations which had a bunsen burner on it. I just had no patience for anyone today so I wanted to be as far away from them as possible. The teacher had greeted me with a brief nod before telling me to read a book or something, and going back to his paperwork.

I wondered if anyone else would be coming, hoping that I could just spend the hour alone and in peace, but was disappointed when a few more people entered. To my utter distaste, one of them was Mike Fuentes but he barely took any notice of me and sat with his friends near the middle of the classroom.

I quickly went back to the drawing I was doing, lightly sketching the outline of a landscape in the large sketchpad, planning to go over it in ballpoint pen later to emphasise the outlines. Just when I thought that this day could not get any worse, another person entered the classroom and, with a lazy smile on his face, went to the back of the room and sat right next to me. Great, another Fuentes to deal with.

"Hey," Vic murmured into my ear, shuffling his stool closer so that I could heat him. He did not need to be quiet anyway though with how much noise Mike and his friends were making. The teacher did not seem to care.

"Hi," I replied, grinning at him, before realising what I just did. Had I just done something friendly?

To most people that probably would have been a good thing but, to me, it was just scary. Smiles or fond looks or greetings never came naturally to me, but for some reason this felt normal.

I knew exactly what that meant: I was warming up to Vic. The thought itself was terrifying.

"What are you up to?" He asked casually, gazing over my shoulder and peering at the image on the watercolour paper. I had just started outlining in black pen, making the artwork pop.

"Just drawing," I shrugged nonchalantly. This was actually homework for tomorrow's art class and I was supposed to have it fully finished by then, but I probably would not be able to achieve that. I had to complete the whole thing, even paint it, but I just did not have time for that. It's one thing taking your math textbook to work to revise from it, but another to bring an entire art set with you.

"You're really good," he complimented with a kind smile, which I returned. I still could not wrap my head around why he was so nice to me. Was it because he wanted to get me in bed again? I had no idea what would make him change his mind to go from ignoring me to wanting to befriend me. "Do you take art?"

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