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I have so many story ideas but no time to write them >:( However some time in the future you should expect a book in which Vic is a sassy drag queen; a story about change, poetry and houseplants; a Harry Potter kellic fic (nothing like what thekellinunderthevic did though because mine will be based around the Triwizard Tournament); a story about a journey to self-love; one in which you will have to take a chance; and a story in which Kellin is a raging masochist who does not know the difference between love and hate.

Oh and a sequel to Never Meets Forever. Just a little heads up :)

I tried to edit this chapter as best as I could but it's midnight I never get enough sleep and I'm just exhausted bruh



Right before we got on the plane, mom left a voicemail for the school explaining that I would be off for the next few days and the reason behind it. The flight was a pretty long one, over four hours, and it was spent mostly in silence between my mom, Callum and I.

At first my brother informed us about why dad was in hospital. I sat emotionlessly while he explained that, just when the doctors thought the years of chemotherapy had finally paid off and the cancer was gone, an abnormally large cyst formed on his liver all of a sudden. This meant that the dead blood cells would not be filtered from the healthy ones and his blood could not clot as much. In addition the cyst was in such an awkward position which meant that the liver could not produce bile, meaning that my dad's body was not receiving the crucial vitamins it needed. Currently he was being supplied with most of the minerals he required but it could not last forever. It was also inoperable so the only way to get him back to good health would be through a transplant and there were no available donors. I guess that's what he gets for being an irresponsible drinker. I probably would have even felt sorry for him if not for the trouble he caused us.

My father was the reason for all of our financial difficulties. Most of it was not his fault, but he was the main cause of our situation. Usually having two people in a household work jobs, even low income ones, would make enough for a mildly comfortable life, but we had to give away hundreds of dollars each month for dad's treatment. The part was not really intentional on his side, but it still bothered me.

In addition, about three years ago when we were moving to California, the entire family was supposed to come. Mom had quit her job, she pulled Callum and I out of school, everything was sorted out but, at the last minute, dad decided that he was not going. He never really gave a reason for it, but I suspected that it was something to do with another woman, and it was too late for Callum, mom and I to stay to negotiate with him as our flight was leaving in a couple of hours.

After that he never really talked to anyone but Callum who disappeared one day to go and live with him back in Michigan only a couple of weeks after we moved. It was pretty messy.

My mom had high qualifications and back here she was a successful businesswoman but in California it did not work out. Most places were looking for a family person but all she had was me so she was left to work a shitty low income job which barely paid the bills.

I fully blamed my father for this. If he did not refuse to go to California with us then we would have been a family, mom would have gotten a better job, and everyone would be happier.

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