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I had no idea what we were doing at the hospital. Vic forced me to come here even though a broken nose is something you can fix at home and it's not a big deal. Did he even know how much this would cost? I was not in possession of that kind of money and neither was my mom. What was he even thinking?

"This is not a good idea," I whined, while still holding a bloodied tissue to my nose. "There are people here who need the doctors' attention way more than me."

The boy did not listen and just pulled me along with him, earning us a few disapproving looks which soon turned to sympathy when they noticed that I was bleeding. We were approaching the reception desk and I was beginning to panic.

"Vic, stop!" I said forcefully through gritted teeth. I did not want to be loud as to not disturb the people around us, but it was taking all of my self-control to not yell at Vic right now. He forced me to sit with his friends, even though I quite clearly did not want to; he did not even bat an eye when his brother was trying to beat the shit out of me in front of everyone, and now he was making me come here even with the clear knowledge that I did not have the money for it. He was really getting on my nerves today.

"What's the problem?" He turned to me and gave me an impatient look. Vic was acting as if I was being annoying or something, which was rich coming from him.

"You know what the fucking problem is!" I seethed quietly, poking my finger hard into his chest. I did not want to start a scene here in public but it was so hard not to get mad. "You know damn well that I can't affo-"

"Kells, I don't care! You can get mad at me all you want for trying to get you food or other things, but this is your actual physical health. It's so much more serious. I care abut you so please just let me pay for this, it's the least I can do," Vic held my shoulders and squeezed reassuringly.

I just stopped talking and went with whatever he was doing. I heaved a heavy sigh and rolled my eyes, giving him an indication to proceed. To say that I was unhappy about it though would be an understatement.

I stayed out of Vic's way and dabbed at my nose while he spoke and sorted things out with the reception lady. She said that a doctor would be with me shortly and that we should wait in the halls with everyone else.

I was completely fuming when I sat down in one of the empty seats. I felt so embarrassed that Vic literally had to pay for me, and apparently the people around me noticed how pissed off I was because they were leaning as far away from me as they could. The only one who seemed unfazed was Vic himself who had a small accomplished grin on his face and was tapping his feet against the clean floor.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a small elderly woman enter the hallway. She was looking around and walking forward, her drained legs barely able to carry her, but all of the seats were taken. Apparently I was the only considerate person here because, even while furious as ever, I had morals which told me that the woman needed the seat more than me. I quickly stood up and offered it to her. She was a bit taken aback by the bloodied tissue and the poisonous expression I had on my face, but she accepted anyway and thanked me.

I just nodded in response and leaned against the wall next to Vic, looking down at my feet and waiting for that darned doctor to get here. Did this hospital not realise that a broken nose was pretty fucking painful?

"Hey, Kells, there's a seat over here," Vic said. I looked up at him with hopes of being able to sit down, just to see that dork pointing to his lap.

"You're an idiot," I said, now my tone not being as heavy as before. Performing an act of kindness probably diminished some of the hostility I was feeling.

Vic was not taking 'no' for an answer though and, in one swift motion, pulled me onto his lap as if I weighed nothing. He had this stupid satisfied smirk as well! I placed my hands over my face and groaned into them. I swear his whole existence was centred around embarrassing me in public places.

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