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Hey what's up guys it's Scarce here.

(Edit: does no one get this fucking joke? ^^^ XD Like do none of u watch YouTube anymore or keep up to date with memes)

The first story of the day comes from shorterguyistops. You probably haven't heard of her, she's an unsuccessful Wattpad author with no life and is a bit of a cunt, but she recently realised that this story title sucks ass and wants to change it. What she wants to know is whether this would be a good idea and if it would confuse a lot of people. Please help her out my dudes.

And that's it for today. Thanks for reading, leave a like, comment and subscribe. Peace.


I had been avoiding Vic like fire all day, for several reasons. The first being what he had done the day before, mainly because I was too ashamed to admit how nice it actually was to finally be able to eat a full dinner and breakfast. Giving in and expressing how much I enjoyed it would only work as motivation for him to carry on doing it, which was not okay. Stubbornness was one of my strongest traits and it was not exactly helpful sometimes. And I was still mad at him for doing it.

Another reason for avoiding him was what my mom had told me the other day. It was no secret that Vic had been making moves on me for a while now, but I just felt so conflicted. He irritated me so much yet at the same time all I wanted to do was hug and kiss him because he was so kind to mr. These had been emotions that I repressed for a while, but it was getting too strong to ignore. However, at the same time I was plainly scared. There had been people in my life before who I trusted beyond belief and they ended up hurting and leaving me, so I was stopping myself in fear of Vic doing the same. He did not seem like the kind of guy who would do that but neither did the others and they still managed to surprise me.

At first, avoiding him was easy. I just did not go anywhere near my locker before school and he did not have any lessons with me anyway. Lunchtime came by and all I did was stay away from the cafeteria. Today was Friday so I wouldn't have to face him for the whole weekend either. Running away from your problems was not a good thing to do but I honestly did not know how to face them.

The biggest problem, however, came after lunch. Once a week we would have informational assemblies led by our head of year and for us, juniors, these happened on Fridays. They were mandatory informational meetings during which people just made meaningless announcements, but they took 15 minutes out of our day which would have been spent doing something as horrific as algebra so sitting in the main hall and being lost in thought was something I would rather do. The problem which came by? The fact that right at the end of the assembly, after one of the teachers gave a speech about online safety, Vic waltzed onto the stage.

He was followed by a few others who I recognised from his friendship group, but they all looked bored and like they did not want to be there. Vic, on the other hand, was ecstatic. I wondered what was up because I never thought that he'd be one to get involved with the school's community.

One of the teachers wasted no time with introducing the students, before handing over to Vic who stood further forwards and had everyone's attention. It was not common to see one of the most popular guys get involved with something lame enough to talk about in assembly.

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