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Sorry for the lack of updates, I really haven't had much time to write. To make it up to you guys I wrote a super duper long chapter with like 5k words damn and there's actually some plot stuff in it (wow 17 chapters in and we finally have a storyline).

Y'all have probably noticed that I changed the old cover to this amazing new one which worshipthekellic made. It was my favourite out of all of the ones sent in so far, but it's not permanent yet. If people send more in and I like one of them, then I'll probably change it but we're sticking with this adorable one for now ;)

Oh and thanks for 700 followers (714 now), nearly 10k reads on this story and nearly 75k reads on Playboy yasss y'all are slaying me



The weeks passed by and the bump on my belly only grew larger. It was now much harder to hide at school but I only had less than a month left before summer vacation so I would not have to worry about that for a while. When the new school year started, however, I had no idea what I would do with myself.

I had accepted the idea of Vic being the father, but I always had that little tugging at the back of my head that the baby might be Mike's but I pushed it to the side. Vic had also clearly decided that the baby was his, no matter what the truth was, and he even went as far as actually revealing it to his parents. He had explained that they were very shocked and baffled by it, maybe even disappointed in him, but that was understandable. They would get over it soon. Mike had heard the news too and, as he was ignorant to the idea that he could be the real father, he just took the piss out of Vic for it. The thing was, Vic was reluctant to reveal who he actually got pregnant and so far his family had no idea that it was me: his supposed best friend. He stated that it would take a while for them to comprehend all of this so he wanted to take it slowly, step by step. I was fine with that; I knew how hard it was to come clean about something which many viewed as wrong.

When the time came for it, Vic and I went to the second ultrasound and Sarah, the lovely lady, would be telling us the gender of the baby. Their weight problem was almost gone as Vic had basically been force-feeding me for the last few weeks. I was too stubborn to say it out loud but I actually felt a lot better and healthier now than I had ever before.

The big reveal came at the end of the ultrasound and Vic and I were delighted to hear that we would be having a baby boy!

It was a magical moment. It felt as if, along with his gender, came the amazing mental images of my baby and I almost felt him come to life inside of me like a jolt of electricity. I did not really have a preference about what gender I wanted the baby to be, I just wanted them to be healthy, so I was okay with it.

"Imagine that - a little baby boy Kellic will be running around in just five months!" Enthused Vic as soon as we got to his car after the ultrasound.

"Kellic?" I laughed along.

"Kellin and Vic makes Kellic. We're so cute, we deserve a ship name," he said like it was obvious, but I just hung my head and chuckled. He was so immature sometimes.

We drove all the way to my house, going back and forth between possible baby names. I knew it was probably too early but it was nice nonetheless. Vic took the childish route of naming the baby after his favourite fictional characters and ended up recommending names like Legolas, Hodor, and Severus.

I just called him an idiot.

That was something I found comforting about us. Although we hugged and kissed a lot, Vic and I still mostly acted like best friends. It was nice to be able to jokingly call him a 'rat hoe' and have him call me an 'autistic slug' without worrying that we would hurt each other's feelings, while still being affectionate like a couple.

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