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I entered through my front door, fumbling with the keyhole, with Vic following right behind me. Even though I assured him that I would be okay, he still demanded to take me home. I had no idea what I would do about the things which I had left at school, but Vic promised to bring them to me tomorrow or later today.

"Really, it's fine, you can just go home," I reminded Vic but he did not budge. He made the decision to apparently take care of me for a while.

Vic made his way further into the small apartment, presumably taking the lead, and walking into my room. He must have assumed that it was mine, seeing as the bathroom door was different and the only other door lead to my mom's room and he had seen her go in there previously. Anyway, I hurried after him into my room just to see him rummaging through my closet, making a rucket and apparently not knowing the meaning of privacy. I knew that he was quite blunt, but this was going over the line.

"Jeez, all of your clothes are so big," he commented, fishing out a large shirt and holding it up to his body to compare the size. He was right.

"I know, it's 'cause they're not mine," I mused and shrugged, deciding to just let him be and do his thing. At least it would bring his mind some peace, although I genuinely felt fine now.

Vic turned his head around and eyed me suspiciously, "You didn't steal them, did you?"

"What?" I asked, appalled, "Of course not! They're my, uh...my brother's."

"I didn't know you had a brother," Vic said, turning back around just to shut my wardrobe. Not many people knew I had a brother and honestly sometimes I was not sure whether I had a brother either.

An uneasy feeling was eating me up however, as soon as I registered it, I felt guilty and ungrateful. It was just...embarrassing to have someone like Vic walking around this little run-down apartment that lacked most of the things his house had. It was awful of me to think this, but I almost felt ashamed of how I lived. Vic had a huge mansion and got whatever he wanted; I had a dodgy apartment, where the bedrooms did not have any furniture other than the essentials, and there was no heating throughout half of winter because we just could not afford it.

Vic chucked the clothes he had picked out in my direction and I easily caught them. "Change into this. Those skinny jeans look suffocating, so some sweatpants will be more comfortable."

It was quite humorous how much effort Vic was putting into this. He was actually consistently checking up on my wellbeing, as if it was a goal he was determined to achieve. It was very endearing.

I raised my eyebrows, waiting for him.

"What?" He asked, confused.

"Are you going to turn around or not?" I said and Vic's face quickly shone with realisation. He just nodded and walked over to the door. He did not open it though, just stood facing it. I took that as my cue.

This was so weird. I had never changed in the same room as someone else, except for family members and at school. Here though, I was letting Vic stay and be here. This was actual consent rather than necessity or school rules. Even if he could not see me, I was putting so much trust in him right now.

I trusted that he would not turn around at any sudden moment to watch me. I trusted that he would not discreetly take any pictures and show them to the school (I've had it happen before). I trusted that he would not make fun of me - for my body or how I lived. A week ago if someone told me that I would be willingly putting my trust into Vic Fuentes, I would laugh in their face. Now, things had changed.

I quickly stepped out of my clothes, but hesitated before putting the large shirt on. I contemplated my decision for a moment and realised that maybe this was for the better. So I quickly reached for my desk and found the pair of scissors I always had lying around. Careful not to hurt myself, I cut down my sides in order to get rid of the tape which was restricting my chest. As soon as I did so, I felt relief wash over me and took a deep breath which I unknowingly had been anticipating for the whole day. I could not wait to get rid of these darned breasts, they just made everything so much more complicated.

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