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Ok new title? It's kind of linked to a song I based a later part of the story on and it's certainly better than pee/pee/en. I am going to keep this cover until the next chapter but, when I do update again the cover will match the new title. Now if there are any talented cover makers out there plz hit me up I really need y'all right now


I sat in my squeaky chair behind the counter, softly humming to a song I didn't recognise that played through the one ear bud I had in, while I worked on the piece of homework which lay in front of me. All of this with the knowledge that a caring pair of eyes was constantly on me.

I was at work and my shift started only about an hour ago. Vic had decided that he apparently did not need any sleep and decided to join me. I warned him that it would be boring as I mostly just did my homework or studied for upcoming tests, but he was so persistent and would not take 'no' for an answer. Now he was left with just staring at me while I did my thing, but this did not seem to bother him very much.

The situation between Vic and I was strange to say the least. What happened on Friday after the announcement he made during the assembly was the limit of our kissing. This was mainly due to the fact that we did not see each other over the weekend, however now that it was Sunday night and he had joined me, I could almost smell the tension between us.

I had no idea how to feel about this. What I did was so out-of-character for me and I was still surprised with my actions. The looks Vic was giving me told me just how much he had been craving for that to happen. On Friday I got a small insight into how he felt, with the vulnerable look on his face when we stood staring at each other. All he wanted was for me to be okay with what he was doing. He did not want to wrongfully push me to do something I did not want to do so, when I finally ended up being the one to initiate a kiss, all of his worries melted away.

Being under Vic's constant gaze was not exactly helpful to the quality of homework I was producing, as he was distracting me. Luckily all I had to do was finish off this piece, study a bit for an exam I had on the next day, and then I would be free. Usually I would work extra slowly on my assignments, just to kill the time, but today I rushed them in order to be able to quickly talk to Vic. This would undoubtedly have an effect on my grade but for some reason the thought of kissing Vic again made me not care.

Finally I finished and dropped the pen onto the page in front of me. It was still quite early, only 9pm, so there was still the odd customer coming in. I heard the ring of the bell from the door and waited patiently for the person to find their items, which they did and approached the counter. Vic was observing me while I greeted the customer and scanned all of the items, determining how much they had to pay. I was passed a $20 bill and told to keep the change. $5 for me, sweet!

"Are you done yet?" Vic whined impatiently as soon as the customer was out of hearing rage.

"No, I have an English assessment tomorrow, I need to study," I reminded, picking up my book from the bag which I brought with me.

"You don't need to study, you're already basically a genius," Vic groaned like a child but I just hushed him. "Can we at least do something fun? I'm bored."

"I told you it's not interesting here but you came anyway, so it's your problem," I pointed out.

"Let's take all of the candy and make a huge cake out of it and eat it and get fat together," Vic suggested excitedly, gesturing to the aforementioned aisle of the store. He had already bought and had three energy drinks - that was why he was so bouncy. I told him that it was not a good idea to consume that much caffeine but he would not listen and now his whole body was shaking and his brain was buzzing.

"I can't steal from my own workplace," I mumbled, rolling my eyes and focusing on the textbook in front of me, analysing the key features of 19th century written dialogues.

"I'll pay for it," he beamed, standing up from his seat, about to start with his idea.

"Vic, no."

"Vic, yes!"

The boy giggled at himself, laughing like a child. Yep, definitely never giving him caffeine again.

Before he could start causing chaos, I quickly stood up and snatched the Hershey's chocolate bars from him, before placing them down then taking his hands in mine. I laughed under my breath: Vic was always positive and happy but this was just comical. I gazed into his eyes with what I hoped was a calming look. After a moment he seemingly relaxed slightly more, but I could still see him wobbling from foot to foot.

"Now, come on, let's sit back down and work on what we're going to do tomorrow," I spoke as if he was a child, even though I knew it was not necessary. We did need to figure out some thing for the next day though: I obviously agreed to help with some of the events Vic and his friends were organising and we were given the job of deciding prices.

I dragged Vic back and sat him down on his chair, feeling like a parent. I pushed my textbook to the side, deciding to revise later, and pulled up a piece of paper to write everything down on.

"So, how much do you think we should sell the cookies for?" I asked, but quickly carried on, "I think $0.50 is a reasonable price. How about it?"

"Whatever you say," Vic murmured and when I glanced up at him questioning he had a dreamy expression on his face. I just brushed it off and wrote down the price.

"Now we need prices for the cupcakes. In my opinion, the ones we bought should be a bit cheaper than the homemade ones. Maybe something like $1 for the ones from the store and $1.20 for the other ones?"

"Yep sure," Vic answered, uninterested once again. I just sighed in annoyance. Did he not realise that we needed this finished for tomorrow?

"So Jane texted me a couple of hours ago and said that she was able to organise the rainbow shoelaces, which is amazing. Those should be sold for around-"

But I could not get any further as Vic softly took the pen from my hand, placed his hand on my cheek, turned my head to face him, and planted his lips on mine.

I was slightly frozen at first from the shock of the kiss, but soon slowly began moving my lips against his. This was the second time we did this and it felt no different to the first. I did not think the giddy feeling that came with it would ever go away.

It was pretty innocent and I wanted to keep it that way, which Vic did not fail to do. Our lips just moved together harmoniously yet cautiously as if trying our best not to push the other person. It was a lovely moment.

This did not last long however when a thought sprung to my mind and I pulled away, twisting around and sheepishly feeling my face turn red when I stared straight ahead at a camera. Clearly it was not there to spy on me but rather to look out for shoplifters. My boss always looked through the tapes the next morning anyway though and I did not paticularly want him to see me kissing someone when I was supposed to be working.

"What is it?" Vic asked and when I looked at him I saw a familiar expression of vulnerability, as if he was scared he did something wrong. I could not help but smile endearingly at him.

"I shouldn't be doing this while at work, my boss checks the tapes," I explained.

"But that's the only reason I came here!" Vic whined.

I gasped in faux offence, lightly smacking his arm and muttering about how rude he was, before returning to my previous position and gazing down at my work.

While we were kissing I had heard my ancient phone make a buzzing sound but ignored it at the time. Now though I retrieved it to see a message from Alex. As most of Vic's friends were involved in the events we were running the following week, I exchanged phone numbers with some of them just so that we would be able to easily organise things. I knew they weren't exactly my friends, more like acquaintances, but it was nice to get texts or calls from people from time to time. It made me feel more wanted.

Alex just informed me that the order for the rainbow wristbands would arrive tomorrow morning and we would have to come in to school extra early to collect them. I was not too pleased with that but it would have to do.

For now though I was stuck discussing the prices with Vic, sneaking in a quick kiss whenever we thought appropriate even if it would get me in trouble.

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