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I was relieved as soon as 5th period ended and it was time for lunch. It had been a long day and I really needed a break. People always assumed that I liked school because my grades were high but, in reality, it stressed me out beyond belief. Everything in the last few days of my life had been so overwhelming and classes were only getting harder. All I wanted was to get a break.

As soon I stepped out of the classroom, I regretted looking to the side because my gaze connected with Vic's. I groaned as soon as he began approaching me. The other day, he was really persistent on me sitting with him and his friends during lunch and would not let it go. I hoped that I would just be able to hide in the bathrooms, but it was too late now.

"Hello!" He chirped as soon as he got to me. Vic quickly grasped my hand, not even giving me time to reply, and dragged me in the direction of the cafeteria where I assumed his friends sat.

I rolled my eyes and just let him take me. I guess I had developed a mild trust towards Vic and I believed that he would not make me do this unless it was 100% okay. Then again, this was Vic and he was overly optimistic.

The cafeteria was buzzing with students, but we ignored the food queue and Vic led me to a table which already had a few people sitting there. I didn't really recognise them, as Vic's friends, just like him, were all in the year above me. I had seen them around a few times, but I was not familiar with anything about them.

We sat down, Vic pulling me close to him which I was thankful for. He was the only person I knew here and I was not good with strangers so I preferred sticking to him.

Vic greeted his friends with a simple 'hey'. I could quite clearly see the obvious confusion in their eyes at the sight of someone new. Well, I was not really new. Everyone around here knew me, mainly because I was the weird trans kid. They were probably more surprised by the fact that Vic was hanging out with me.

"This is Kellin," he introduced, motioning to me. I gulped and nodded in their direction. Confidence was one of my strongest features, but I was just cautious around strangers. Many mistook it for shyness, but it was nowhere close to that. "I know you guys have probably heard some weird things, but he's actually really cool."

I noticed a few of them exchange weird looks. This was the popular group after all and having someone like me sitting with them was an anomaly. I wondered how Vic did it. How he was able to just block out what everyone else thought and do what makes him happy.

Sure, I acted like I did not care but, in reality, the opinions of others were very important to me. After years of pretty much being hated by everyone, I wanted some validation. I knew I was different and I wished I wasn't because I just wanted to be accepted... This was so pathetic.

Vic's friends gave me a few awkward 'hello's before returning to their previous conversations. They all had their lunch in front of them, so I decided to retrieve mine as well: an apple. Obviously I wanted to have more, but I did not really need more. My body had grown accustomed to not being fed that much so I would be fine.

From next to me, I saw Vic get out his lunch as well and glance over at me confusedly.

"Is that all you're having?" He asked, motioning towards the apple which I was just taking a bite of.

I shrugged and nodded in response, not really knowing how else to reply.

I carried on doing my thing, muting out the noise around me, before I noticed something sliding along the table to me. In confusion, I looked down to see two plain, wrapped up sandwiches, just waiting to be eaten.

I raised my eyebrows and glanced at Vic who had an expectant expression on his face as if telling me to just eat what he had given me. With a roll of my eyes, I slid it back over to him. I did not want his food.

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