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Sorry I accidentally published this before when it wasn't done.



I was packing what little belongings I brought with me in order to get ready for our flight, which we would have to leave for in half an hour. Vic managed to get a ticket onto the same plane and I hoped sincerely that it was not overbooked: getting dragged off did not sound very pleasant.

Vic was already done and scolding me for leaving this until the last minute. He was right in doing so and I was surprised myself: I was always very organised and neat but there were so many things on my mind that I found it hard to find motivation to do anything.

We had spent the remainder of yesterday and most of today outside, just walking. Seeing as Vic had less than one day here, I could not show him any off the amazing monuments or visit historical areas, so I just took him to my favourite local places. It was nice to spend time with him like this away from school and it felt like we had finally gone on a proper date.

I had a constant worry in the back of my head concerning my father. Even with everything that happened between us, he was still family and I did not want him to go. I wanted to make up for all of those years away from each other, but it was impossible now and the strong weight of guilt was making me walk with a hunch to my back. I wished things were different and didn't suck so much.

When I had finished packing, I collapsed onto the bed next to Vic. I owned a single bed so it was a bit uncomfortable to sleep there together but the forced closeness only made it better. The funniest thing about us was that we still never made it official: we were clearly in a relationship, but neither of us specifically initiated anything or asked to be the other's boyfriend. That did not take away from how I felt towards him though.

We lay together on the small bed and Vic gingerly caressed the bump in my stomach which became more prominent with each day. The baggy clothes I wore still prevented people from realising that I was carrying a baby, but when I was lying down or wearing anything tighter, it was very obvious.

When there was five minutes left until we had to leave, Vic and I decided to head downstairs. We were supposed to meet my mom at the airport later, as she wanted to spend as much time as possible with dad and stay with him until the last minute. It must have been much harder for her: she never hated him in the first place, as she must have had much more insight into what was going on with him, and she was his wife after all. So many years of marriage were going to be taken away as if they meant nothing, all because of stupid cancer. He was just going to go as if he was never even here, but soon everyone associated with him would have a hunch to their back and feel like the weight of the world was on their shoulders - just like me now.

I tore my mind away from the unpleasant thoughts and rolled my eyes upon the sight of my brother, who was sprawled out on the living room couch in an octopus-like way so that he took up as much space as possible. Loudly, the TV played some irrelevant sitcom which I could not care less about and, judging by the empty look in Callum's eyes, he did not care much for it either. I had assumed that he was not as affected by what was happening to dad, because he acted mostly normal, but maybe this was his way of hiding the emotions: just zoning out, acting as if nothing mattered and pretending that everything is fine. I knew I probably should not have, but I still held some sympathy towards him as he was my brother.

Callum glanced in my direction and did a double take when he noticed the bags Vic and I carried down the stairs.

"You're leaving already?" He asked, although he already knew as he listened in to mum and I talking, straightening up into a more presentable position.

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