Cirrus scanned the club for Sheena and saw her talking to one of the waitresses and interrupted her.
"Sheena, please go see to Crystal."
"Why, what's wrong?"
"I can't play. I just can't." He never waited for her to respond and rushed out the club.
Sheena ran to the play room they had used. She was shocked to see Crystal still strapped to the St Andrews Cross and her head covered.
When Crystal heard the door open, she called out. "Hello, Cirrus are you there?"
"Crystal, it's me. What happened? Did he hurt you?"
"No. I'm fine. Where did he go."
"He came rushing out and asked me to come and see to you."
"I don't understand. Everything was going well. It was after he tied me up on here that he suddenly went quiet and I never heard a sound and when I called out there was no reply. I wasn't sure if it was part of his method of play or not."
By this time Sheena had untied Crystal and given her a gown to put on.
"So he never said a word to you before he left?"
"No. Sheena I think he is still very much in love with his ex. Until he can move on he will never be ready to play or take another Sub. I always said you can never fall in love with your Sub or Dom, it just leads to problems like this."
"I think that depends entirely upon the Sub and Dom involved." Sheena smiled. She loved Dante with every fibre of her being and she knew he felt the same way for her. Since Dante had taken her under his wing ten years ago she had never had any other Master. She had given herself to him mind, body and soul and although he had played with other Subs, she always felt he treated her differently. He made her feel special.
Crystal disturbed Sheena's thoughts. "Not all Subs are as lucky as you are. You and your Master have a unique relationship. I hear he no longer plays with anyone but you."
Sheena nodded. "Yes, I am very fortunate and I will never Sub for anyone else."
"What's it like, being in love with your Master?" Crystal asked.
Just then Sheena's phone rang. "Hello."
"Mel, is that really you? Are you okay?"
"Can we talk? Are you alone?"
"Just give me a minute." Sheena looked at Crystal. "Sorry, I need to take this call. Will you be okay?"
"I'm fine. I'll go shower and then go home." Before Crystal left she asked, "Is that Cirrus's ex?"
Sheena didn't reply to her question. "I must go. Talk to you later." She said as she made her way to the door.
"Sorry to keep you on hold Mel. I wondered if you would ever phone. I see your number is withheld."
"Yes, I bought a new phone and signed up to the Australian network."
"This call must be costing you a fortune."
"I don't have your home number. I need to talk to you."
Sheena gave Melanie her home number. "Is everything alright. You sound upset." Before Melanie could reply, Sheena heard a man's voice over Melanie's phone.
"Mel, Hun, we will be late for work if you don't get a move on."
"Who is that?" Sheena was shocked to hear a male voice talking to Melanie.
"I'll explain later. Can I call you when I finish work?"
"Yes, of course."
"Mel, come on we're going to be late." Reece shouted from the door.
"Got to go, bye for now." Melanie disconnected the call.
Sheena stared at her phone. She couldn't believe Melanie had moved on. She was happy for her but had a sinking feeling in her stomach. How would Cirrus take the news if he ever found out? Would he ever be able to move on?
"So Melanie has found someone new."
Sheena jumped when she heard Crystal's voice behind her. She turned around and faced Crystal with her hands on her hips. "You were listening to my conversation?"
Crystal heard the irritation in Sheena's voice. "Sorry, it was not my intention to eaves drop but I was waiting to talk to you about Cirrus."
"What about Cirrus?" Sheena strummed her fingers against her arm.
"I won't sub for him again until he is finally ready to let go of Melanie and it would be best if he changed his safe word too."
"Why?" Sheena's voice rose a pitch. Crystal was irritating her now and she clenched her fists.
"Because it will always remind him of her."
"Well, maybe then you should not play with Cirrus again." Sheena turned to go. "You'll have to excuse me now. I have things to do." Sheena hurried away to find Dante. She needed to let him know what had happened between Cirrus and Crystal. She was worried how this would affect Cirrus.
She found Dante in his private room talking to the new Dom's who had just joined the club. She stood quietly in the corner waiting for him to acknowledge her.
Dante looked up and smiled. He noticed that she looked tense by the way she played with her collar.
"Right gentlemen, I think that's all for now. Any problems don't hesitate to come and talk to me."
One by one the four men shook his hand and left the room.
"Come Sheena, tell me what is troubling you?"
"It's Cirrus and Crystal."
Dante raised his eyebrows. "Sit here next to me and tell me what happened." He took her hands in his. "I have never seen you this upset. Your hands are shaking."
"I'm not sure what happened in the playroom but Crystal is not right for Cirrus and I am worried what he might do."
"Start from the beginning and tell me as much as you know."
Sheena took a deep breath to calm herself and told him everything as it had happened and her words with Crystal.
"I understand your concern my pet, and will give Cirrus a call and make sure he is alright. Is there something else?"
"I'm worried how Cirrus will take the news that Melanie has found someone else already."
"Maybe it's what he needs to hear so he can move on too." He pulled her onto his lap, moved her hair aside and kissed her neck. His hands moved gently over her body, caressing her breasts softly. "Relax my pet, I will take care of everything." His hand moved between her thighs.
Sheena let go of all thoughts as his fingers found her clit and teased her into submission.

Blood Stained Collar BOOK 2 of The Collar Series #Wattys2017 ( BDSM )
RomanceAll her life Melanie had grown up under the strong will of her father and definitely did not need that now in her adult life. When she met and fell in love with Cirrus, she discovered a world she never knew existed. The world of BDSM. She soon reali...