Melanie was unable to give Reece a positive answer but she did promise to think about it. Coming out of one relationship into another didn't seem logical and too hasty. She needed time. Her ordeal with Dr Anderson and now her sexual attraction to Reece; she wasn't ready to make any commitments. She adored Reece and loved him for being there for her, but she wasn't in love with him. Well, not yet anyway.
Reece was sad she wasn't ready to give their relationship a serious chance, but happy she promised to think about it. He gave her the space she needed and only stayed the night when invited which of late was frequently. The last three months he spent more time sleeping in her bed than he did his own, to the point where his toothbrush now shared a space in her Garfield mug in the bathroom. It usually started with an invite to share a pizza and watch a film or she's ordered Chinese and there was just too much for her to eat.
It was one of these nights as they lay in bed after a heated session of sex, that Reece took her face in his hands and said, "Mel, it's been three months since I first asked you to give us a chance and you promised to think about it."
"I ... am still thinking." She winked at him.
"Babe, don't tease me like that. The way you make love to me, well... you've got to feel something for me, surely?"
"I'd be lying if I said I didn't. You make me feel safe and loved."
"You know how I feel. I do love you." Reece traced the outline of her lips with his finger.
Her heart skipped a beat. Yes, she did have feelings for him and she loved being with him. The way he looked at her she knew he was waiting for an answer. She took a leap of faith and gave him her answer. "Reece, I care about you and we are so good together. I love you, but I'm not in love with you. Can you understand that?"
"I'm not sure I do, but I hope you will give me time to change your mind. Just promise me you'll be open to giving us a chance."
"I promise."
"So, if anyone asks, I can say we are together, we are a couple?"
"Yes, you can say we are dating." She smiled.
Reece was so excited he pulled her into his arms and hugged her so tight she coughed.
"Hey, you're crushing all the air out of me."
"I'm sorry babe, I'm just so happy to know you finally accept my feelings for you. You're giving our relationship a chance."
"Can I make one request of our new couple's relationship?"
"Of course, Babe, anything."
"Please don't keep saying I love you. It makes me feel awkward when I can't say it back to you. Well, not yet anyway."
"I understand." Reece hugged her gently. "Time we went to sleep. Early start tomorrow and you've worn me out. Don't know where you get the energy after a crazy day in ER. I've never met a woman with such a high sex drive." He kissed her forehead.
"Are you complaining?"
"Of course not. I think I am the luckiest guy in the world."
"I can sense a but, so what's wrong?" She studied his face, his eyes twinkled. There was a sense of humour behind his expression. She could see he was trying hard not to smile. "Come on, spit it out. Something is niggling you."
"I do love how domineering you are in bed... but sometimes I'd like to be in control." He winked, but held his breath waiting for her response.
Melanie was a little stunned. She had never intended to be like that, in fact she never even realized she was doing that. She couldn't bring herself to repeat the word or even think it. She had stepped away from that life and here, now in her new relationship, she was the one playing the dominant role. What was going on in her body chemistry? Had she inherited her father's dominant genes without realizing it and only now they were coming to the surface. But why now?
When Reece spoke she jumped. "Hey Mel, where are you?"
"What? I haven't gone anywhere."
"You were definitely somewhere else for a couple minutes. You left me holding my breath waiting for a response. Look, I'm happy to play it your way, but just once in a while I'd like to be on top, to take control. I'm not saying I don't want you to tell me what you want and like, and I couldn't be happier knowing how best to please you sexually."
Melanie was lost for words. She just stared at Reece. Everything she didn't like about Cirrus she was now dishing out to Reece. Was this really who she was? It was like a knife to her heart, only it ripped and shredded it to pieces. The tears rolled down her cheeks without her knowledge. She didn't even know she was crying. Till Reece pulled her into his arms and brushed the tears from her cheeks.
"I'm so sorry. I never intended upsetting you. I just thought you should know how I felt. But honestly Babe I'm happy just being here with you. You're my dream girl, the love of my life. I'll take whatever you are willing to give me."
"Reece, don't you dare settle for anything. You have rights and feelings too. It's only right you tell me how you feel and what is good and not good for you in sex. I may be controlling but I don't want to control you. All I want is to be loved, just loved normally..." How normal was normal? Melanie thrashed the question around in her head. Was being dominant normal for her? Was this who she was supposed to be. Should she explore this further or just let it drop and be happy with vanilla sex with Reece?
Reece kissed her softly at first and then deeper. Melanie decided then and there she was not going to allow this new side of her to take control and ruin this relationship. How dare her dominant self suddenly appear now. 'Go back to where you came from!' She ordered the voiceless body inside her and responded softly to Reece's kisses.
They made love with Reece in control this time and as his body covered hers and his shaft penetrated her smoothly, she surrendered to his touch. Giving herself to him in the way she knew he wanted and needed.
Melanie knew she could be happy if she just gave Reece a chance to be the person he wanted to be for her. For the first time in ages she felt secure and content in his arms. She curled in towards his body and rested her head on his chest. This was the start of a whole new chapter in her book, a new relationship. Where it would go from here only time would tell. She chased all thoughts of Cirrus away before they had time to take root and make her feel guilty about her decision.

Blood Stained Collar BOOK 2 of The Collar Series #Wattys2017 ( BDSM )
RomanceAll her life Melanie had grown up under the strong will of her father and definitely did not need that now in her adult life. When she met and fell in love with Cirrus, she discovered a world she never knew existed. The world of BDSM. She soon reali...