An hour later, when Crystal left the club, she decided to walk home rather than catching a taxi. She needed to think over what had just happened. Maybe she should just play the Dominatrix for a while and give up being a submissive for now. It had not gone well for her lately.
As these thoughts tumbled through her mind the smell of strong coffee floated passed her nose and she saw the coffee shop sign across the road. She crossed over and was surprised to see Cirrus sitting at a table in the window. Without thinking it through she walked inside and sat down at his table across from him.
He was so lost in thought staring into his cup he did not notice her sit down.
"Hey Cirrus, no hard feelings about tonight."
When he looked up she was shocked to see the pain in his eyes. He ran his fingers through his hair and tugged at the back of his neck.
"You still love her, so go find her and tell her."
He looked at her and tears welled up in his eyes. She handed him a napkin.
"I don't know where she went." He rubbed fiercely at his eyes. He cursed himself for crying in front of woman he hardly knew She must think him so week, especially after what happened this evening. "I'm sorry about tonight. It wasn't anything you did."
"I know." She nodded. "I'll let you into a little secret if you promise not to mention who you heard it from."
"Promise." He raised an eyebrow waiting to hear what she had to say.
"Melanie called Sheena today after you left the Club."
"Are you sure?"
"As sure as I am sitting here."
Cirrus stood up and dropped a £20 note onto the table in front of her. "Thanks Crystal. I had a coffee. Order one for yourself."
"Where are, you going?"
"To talk to Sheena."
"You can't tell her I told you. I was listening in to her conversation and she was very upset when she discovered me standing behind her."
"I won't mention your name."
"Well don't go blurting out you know she spoke to Melanie. She will know it came from me."
"I'll find a way of bringing it up without your name."
Cirrus gave Crystal's shoulder a gentle squeeze on his way out. "Thanks Crystal."
She smiled.
Cirrus hurried back to the club. The only thought running through his head was how to ask Sheena. His phone rang just as he turned into the entrance to the club. Irritated he pulled it from his pocket. "What?" He shouted before checking who was calling.
"Cirrus?" Dante was surprised by his abruptness.
"Sorry Dante. My head is in a bit of a spin."
"Where are you?"
"I'm here just outside the club."
"Good, I need to talk to you."
"Yes, I'll be right in."
As Cirrus walked in he scanned the club for Sheena but there was no sign of her. He saw Dante outside the door of his private room and walked towards him.
Dante opened the door and stepped aside to allow Cirrus to walk through. He walked in behind him. "Take a seat." He indicated to a single armchair.

Blood Stained Collar BOOK 2 of The Collar Series #Wattys2017 ( BDSM )
RomanceAll her life Melanie had grown up under the strong will of her father and definitely did not need that now in her adult life. When she met and fell in love with Cirrus, she discovered a world she never knew existed. The world of BDSM. She soon reali...