Melanie sat across the breakfast table from Sheena, in Dante's hotel suite. She pushed her scrambled egg around her plate.
"Mel, you must try eat something."
"Here." Dante took the plate away and placed of bowl of fruit salad in front of her. "Eat this. You have to put something in your stomach."
Sheena looked up at him as he stood next to Melanie. "Dante, I'm sure Melanie will eat if she is hungry." She had never spoken out like that before and when his eyes met hers, she held them for a moment before looking across at Melanie. "Mel, will you excuse us for a moment."
Melanie nodded.
It was the first-time Sheena had ever taken the lead where Dante was concerned and she walked out in front of him to their room.
Melanie heard the bedroom door close a little louder than normal and muffled voices wafted through to her. She felt guilty for causing problems between Dante and Sheena over a silly thing like breakfast and decided to pull herself together and go back to her own place so they could go home to England and their own lives. She knew Sheena wanted to protect her but she was not prepared to come between her and Dante ever.
"Melanie, I owe you an apology. I did not intend to sound harsh or demanding. I was only looking after you."
Melanie was about to say something but Dante held up his hand to silence her. "Let me finish please."
She nodded.
"Sheena politely reminded me that you aren't a submissive and never intend to be and I was out of line ordering you to eat. Forgive me, but it is my inbuilt nature to make sure ... well to take care of ..." He looked across at Sheena.
"Mel, as a Master, Dante naturally wants to make sure you are well and eating to keep you healthy it's part of that caring nature of his."
Dante realized that although he was annoyed with Sheena for speaking up to him, she had found the right words to say what he couldn't at that moment, without sounding like a Dom. He put his arm around her shoulders. "Thank you." He kissed the top of her head.
"I can't thank both of you enough for being here for me. I don't know how I would have come through this without your support, but it's time for me to pick myself up and move forward now. I need to finish my training and then decide what I want to do. I will leave you both in peace to enjoy the rest of your time here while I go home and get back to work."
"We're glad we were here to help you and you don't have to rush off right now. Spend the day with us."
"Thanks Dante, but the sooner I get home and return to work, the sooner I can put all this behind me."
"As you wish Nurse Mckinney." Dante smiled. "I think Sheena and I will stay a few days and behave like tourists. We will stay here at the hotel and if you need us for anything just call."
"Thanks Dante. Thank you, Sheena, for the girl talk last night. I'll pack up my things and take a cab home."
"Don't be ridiculous, I will drive you home."
"That's very kind of you Dante but I need to stand on my own two feet now and find my own way home. My start to a new, independent stronger me."
He smiled. "As you wish."
After a long hug from Sheena and a quick impersonal hug from Dante, Melanie climbed into the back of the cab and waved to them until they were out of sight.
When Melanie arrived at her studio apartment on the hospital campus, she was surprised to find it had been completely renovated. The walls were painted in a soft powder blue, with matching curtains and bed linen. The little kitchenette had matching crockery with splashes of cream colours. A dainty glass vase with white roses on her bedside table, and she now had wall to wall cream carpeting. What caught her eye was a beautiful painting of the sea with seagulls in flight and in the distance a yacht. A tear slipped out the corner of her eye and got lost in her hair. The painting brought back good memories of times spent with Cirrus on his yacht.
"Why did it all go so wrong?" She brushed her hand lightly across the yacht in the painting.
A card was wedged in the frame. She pulled it out and read it. 'I hope you like your new home Mel and not upset with me for taking charge of redecoration. Sheena'
A week later Melanie was at the airport saying goodbye to Dante and Sheena.
"Thanks again for doing up my apartment so beautifully. The colours are so peaceful, but the painting, where did you find it?"
"Why? Don't you like it?" Sheena asked.
"Yes, I do. Just curious as it reminded me of times I spent with Cirrus on his yacht."
"Mel, if you don't like it, you don't have to keep it. I won't be offended."
"I do like it and I'm not going to get rid of it, just wondered what made you choose that painting."
"It was actually Dante who chose it. He said it blended in with the colours I'd chosen for your apartment."
Dante smiled. "Are you ladies talking about me?"
"I believe I have you to thank for the painting." Before Dante could reply Melanie gave him a hug. "Thank you."
"My pleasure, Nurse Mckinney." He smiled.
"I look forward to making that title official at the end of the year." Melanie crossed her fingers.
"You will be a wonderful nurse and I'd trust you with my life anytime." Sheena hugged her tight.
"We need to make our way to our departure gate now Sheena. No tears please ladies, I don't have any tissues."
"Have a safe flight and let me know when you arrive, please."
Sheena gave her one last hug and whispered "Call me anytime, day or night."
The huge lump in Melanie's throat stopped her from saying anything. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she waved them goodbye.
Reece had kept his distance just as she had asked. They had passed in the corridors and only said hello. He avoided the hospital coffee shops whenever he saw Melanie in there. It had been a month now since the court case and he needed to know where their relationship now stood. He was standing in the queue waiting to order his coffee at lunch time when he heard Melanie's voice behind him. She was talking to a nurse right behind him. He didn't know whether to say hi or not, but when he ordered his coffee Melanie said hello.
"Hi Reece."
"Hi Mel. How are you?"
"I'm doing okay thanks, and you?"
"Been a long morning, but it's turning into a better day." He smiled. "Can I get you anything?"
"No thanks, I've already ordered my coffee and toasted sandwich."
"Let me get that for you. I can pay for yours and mine at the same time."
"No ..."
"I insist."
"Okay, thanks. I'll pay next time."
Reece smiled. "If I can join you for lunch, I'll consider the debt paid."
Melanie had to smile. "I'll get us a table near the window."
Reece couldn't believe his luck. Did this mean her space time out was over? Would he be able to see her again?

Blood Stained Collar BOOK 2 of The Collar Series #Wattys2017 ( BDSM )
RomanceAll her life Melanie had grown up under the strong will of her father and definitely did not need that now in her adult life. When she met and fell in love with Cirrus, she discovered a world she never knew existed. The world of BDSM. She soon reali...