Mr. Goody Two Shoes and Satan

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Hey, guys. This one's a long one whoops.

~Lucifer's POV~ (*Gasp* Introducing Michifer)

Lucifer jogged down the hall. Not many people were wandering about and those who did get out of his was as he searched for the fight his right-hand woman Meg told him about. He stopped as he finally found it and simply observed for a moment. There were two boys, one of them a darker blondish haired boy was fighting with Azazel though he seemed to have the upper hand, and the other a boy he faintly recognized but he didn't know his name. The second boy was comforting a girl Lucifer knew as Jo.

"Jackass!" The blonde spat, wiping away some blood that was running down from his nose. Azazel gave a wicked grin.

"Sorry didn't mean to get your panties in a twist. Why don't you and your freakishly tall brother get the hell out of here? You don't belong here. Neither of you does." He smirked more taunting the boy.

"Alright, knock it off." The male comforting Jo spoke. His green eyes matched the other boy.

"Aww, what are you going to do to me Mr. Goody Two Shoes," Azazel smirked and advanced a few steps. The teen tensed eyeing Azazel carefully.

"Dean, why don't you take Jo and find her friends?" He suggested firmly. The one he called Dean backed off but didn't leave.

"Oooh, I'm scared. " Azazel teased. Lucifer went to step in, seeing how scrawny the other teen seemed to be and knew Azazel would pick him apart easily. But before he could do anything the brown haired teen threw a well-aimed punched square at his jaw.  Azazel stumbled sideways and glared fiercely. Azazel punched the male straight in the gut. He coughed and sputtered. In a flash of fury, he shot out, snatching Azazel's hair and pulling his head down quickly at the same time he raised his knee sharply.  An audible crack could be heard as he broke Azazel's nose. He twisted Azazel's are roughly before he threw Azazel to the side and went to walk away.  Azazel threw a book at his head, forcing the boy forwards into a locker and knocking him unconscious.

"Mike!" Jo rushed over to his side carefully moving him. Azazel grinned and slowly stood up turning to Dean almost eagerly.

"That's enough," Lucifer called as walked over.

"Ah, Lucifer. How nice of you to join us. You just miss-"

"Get out of here you sniveling coward. I'll find out exactly what you did later. Until then go. And if I hear you started another fight without my consent..." Lucifer threatened advancing slightly. Azazel instantly backed off nodding his head.

"Yes, sir." He turned and bolted.

"You two get to class I'll handle the unconscious one," Lucifer said turning to Jo and Dean.

"No way buddy. He's my brother."

"I don't care. I can handle it. Get to class." He moved over to where the teen was. He bent down examining him curiously. "I suggest you don't try anything Dean." Behind him, Dean froze and grumbled but backed off.

"C'mon Dean. We should go. Lucifer runs the show around here, he'll take care of Michael." Jo said softly. She grabbed Deans arm and led him away. Lucifer sighed and carefully picked up Michael. He headed to the nurse, flashing her a charming smile as he set Michaels unconscious form down.

"Azazel." Was all he had to say to her. She nodded understandingly and cleaned up Michael. Lucifer sat down in a chair and relaxed a bit, waiting patiently. The nurse cleaned up the blood off his head where he hit the locker and where the shoe hit his head. 

"He should probably go home." The nurse informed Lucifer.

"I'll just take him back to my house. I don't know where he lives. One of my siblings probably do and they'll take him after school." Lucifer muttered.

"Alright, just check him out. He hit the locker pretty hard so he might have a concussion but it's hard to tell. Just don't let him do too much. I'll help you take him out." She sighed.

"Thanks." After a bit of a struggle, they managed to get Michael into Lucifer's car. He made sure to tell the office he had to leave early because he got hurt and drove him to his house. Lucifer unceremoniously dumped his unconscious body on the couch and smiled a bit. "Well, at least I got out of school too." He plopped down in a chair and watched tv.

"What the... Ow." A groan came from the couch. Michael went to sit up. "Nope. Bad idea. Bad idea." He eased himself back down.

"Sleeping beauty's awake I see," Lucifer said getting up and moving over. "For a scrawny kid, you knocked the shit out of Azazel. Why?" He asked. 

"He said... Some things," a groan interrupted his words, "to my cousin. She started bawling and my brother jumped him. I step-"

"I saw that part," Lucifer said. "Here." He helped Michael sit up.

"Thanks. Who are you anyways?" He asked. Lucifer chuckled and mock bowed.

"Lucifer Novak at your service." He smirked and straightened up.

"You're Lucifer? You practically rule the high school!" Lucifer chuckled and nodded.

"Yup. And you're Michael Winchester, one of the teacher's pets. And apparently a good fighter." Lucifer smiled a small bit. "Do you need anything?" He asked. Michael shook his head.

"No, not really. How long until school ends?" He asked.

"About an hour or so. You were out for a while. You must have hit that locker pretty hard. I didn't know where you lived and I wasn't about to wake you up so I brought you to my house." Lucifer offered a small smile. "My siblings should be here soon to take you home. Your cousin and brother will be worried about you." He sat back down with a sigh. "I thought... Is Dean his name? Yeah, Dean. I thought Dean was going to start a fight with me." Lucifer chuckled. "You're brother is going to get himself in trouble with a temper like that."

"Yeah, he's used to being the badass." Michael sighed. "He and Sam moved here and are staying with me for a while. But I don't know how they'll fit in here." He looked worried. Lucifer had a thought he wasn't expecting.

'Wow, he looks cute all worried like that. Even with the bruise. Wait.. What! No, I'm Lucifer I can't have thoughts like that. I'm Satan for fuck's sake!  No way. I'd never hear the end of it if I liked the teacher's pet!'

"Lucifer?" Michael looked at him with curiosity, snapping Lucifer out of his thoughts.

"What? Sorry."

"I asked where the bathroom is." Michael smiled slightly.

"Oh, upstairs and it's the first door to the right," Lucifer told him. Michael nodded and headed upstairs.


"Oh boy." Lucifer sighed as the sounds of his siblings getting him both from work and school filled the house.

The Heat of the Moment Sabriel/Destiel/ Michifer Highschool AUWhere stories live. Discover now