Uphill Battles

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Sorry, this chapter didn't turn out how I wanted it to be but holidays really stress me out. I don't know how good my writing is going to be over the next few days so I apologize in advance. =^.^=

Sam could tell it was going to be a bad week. It started with the dreary weather, even during the winter this was bad weather. It was a mixture of freezing rain, hail, and snow. Things only got worse from there.
Sam and Gabriel were, trying, to relax. But Gabriel hasn't been doing so hot. Especially since recently, a blade had been found in his yard. Another warning. Whoever was after him was just toying with the boy. Sam was about to ask Gabriel a question about what they were studying when Gabriel passed out.

"Gabe?" Sam jumped to his feet. Lucifer was downstairs in seconds, calling an ambulance. They arrived as quick as possible, trying hard to avoid a crash in the bad weather. Sam was told to stay behind. People gradually began to gather at the Novak's house. All the Winchesters, and most of their friends. Lisa was sitting with Dean on the couch and Castiel was watching them from the corner of the room, a slight hint of jealousy in his eyes that no one noticed. Lucifer's phone rang and Sam quickly answered much to Lucifer's annoyance.

"Yeah?" Sam spoke and the room fell silent. Relief spread over Sam's face. "Thanks." He hung up the phone. "Gabriel's fine... He just, he hasn't been eating. That's what caused him to pass out."

"He hasn't been eating?" Lucifer questioned. "Dammit." He stood up. "I should've noticed." He growled.

"It's not on you Luce. We all missed it. He didn't want us worrying." Raphael said quietly. The rest of the Novaks nodded in agreement. Lucifer shook his head and headed up to his room, with Michael hot on his heels.

"He's been really jumpy recently, and he hasn't been sleeping very well. He's been napping in the library during our free period." Sam said quietly. He bit his lip. Dean got up, letting go of his girlfriend and comforting his brother.

"Well, if Raphael is willing to remove that stick up his ass, I say we all deserve a drink." Balthazar stood up.

"Of course you do," Raphael muttered. "Yeah, whatever. Just, control it. Please? Alfie, Gadreel, and all the younger ones can't though. Just a little underage is fine. But not them." Raphael stood up and headed to his room. Most of the Novaks did too, not wanting to be a part of Balth being drunk. Lisa decided not to drive, but she headed up to one of the spare rooms for the night. Leaving, Sam, Dean, Lucifer, Castiel, Michael, Baltazar, and Crowley. Castiel hadn't spoken much to Dean. He was hurt, that the Winchester was so blind. Before Lisa, he tried hard to tell the teen how he felt but he would always chicken out. But he thought his affections were returned, especially during their trip to the cabins. That's when Castiel realized how hard he had fallen for Dean. However, it appeared that the boy was extremely heterosexual.

Dean glanced over at Castiel and shook his head. It made no sense, he expected Castiel to go up to his room and not take part in the drinking. But he was wrong. He seemed to be wrong about a lot of things. He once thought Cas was in love with him, a feeling Dean would have gladly returned. Now, though, he had Lisa. He wouldn't dream of losing her. She was perfect, in his eyes, and he was perfect in hers. Not only that, but some of the boys Dean hung out with wouldn't approve. They didn't approve of his brothers' relationships. So, when Castiel came over, Dean sighed.

"Hilo Castiel." So, Dean was a bit buzzed. Castiel smiled softly and shook his head. Dean huffed a bit as Cas took his drink.

"Sober up will you?" Castiel asked. " I need to talk to you. Soon." Castiel sighed softly and walked away.

(I had a whole thing written out, and It got deleted. So now I am just shortening it. More bad writing from me. Yay! =^.^=)

Dean looked at Castiel, his mouth hanging open a bit. He shook his head before responding. Castiel decided to drop a bombshell on Dean, telling him how he felt, how long he had felt that way.

"Cas, you're too late buddy. I love Lisa, you know that."

"Yeah, I do. But I thought, I jus thought..." Castiel trailed off. Dean took a deep breath, ready to lie to Castiel to protect him.

"Besides, I just... I just don't like you like that. You're just my friend. Always have been, always will be." Dean stated, not looking directly at Castiel. He could practically hear his heart shatter.

"Y-yeah.. I-I.."Castiel's voice broke, as did Dean's heart. He was torn, wanting badly to take his words back as soon as he said them. Castiel bolted out the front door. He grabbed his keys and sped off. He threw caution to the wind, his emotions getting the better of him. Tears clouded his vision, enough that he didn't see the large patch of ice. His tires spun and his car careened into a tree. The last thing Castiel heard was sirens, and all he could see was black.

The Heat of the Moment Sabriel/Destiel/ Michifer Highschool AUWhere stories live. Discover now