2. Muddy Mud!

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"Sorry, but yes it's me." She confirmed. I was startled on seeing her here. I mean, actually... ahh I mean nothing. Of course those eyes were the most femiliar ones. The ones who saved my life.

I too didn't got to know when, but my arms automatically encircled her into a bone crushing hug.

"Unm... Sir if you could please..." she said shifting back.

"I'm sorry! I was just... Maya!" I said, still not believing on my eyes.

"On your duty sir." She replied, I could bet she was smiling under her covered face. Her blue sarine eyes were still the same and that is when I realised, not everything changed. Some places are reserved in my heart.

"But I thought, you were a secret agent?" I questioned.

"Actually, I too thought that until Queen Madeeha phoned this morning and asked me to serve you as a bodyguard and your secretory." She replied confidantly.

"Ohh, in that case I should thank Madeeha." I gave her a smile and saw her lowering her eyes.

"Anyways, how have you been?" I asked her with a gentle smile.
Oh My Allah! I'm smiling? Since when did I started to smile?

"I'm good Alhumdulillah, how about you?" She asked adjusting her hijab.

"Alhumdulillah, I'm fine too." I answered and we kept on talking on random life stuffs for sometime.

"Ahaan, you have to..." Ruman bhai slammed the door as he always do while entering my cabin, and stopped between his sentence.

"You are smiling? Since when did you started to smile?" He asked changing his sentence.

"Wo... bhai, meet Maya." I stammered. Ahh! C'mon, I'm not dead. I can smile.

"Assalamualikum!" Maya said.

"Walekumassalam! Well, so this is the reason behind his smile. Thanks a lot girl." Ruman bhai winked at her and my jaw dropped to floor. Wait! What! Was she blushing under her Hijab? Ahaan! Control, you can't let your emotions run wild! At least not in front of your life saver.

"Bhai, you were saying something." I said breaking the silence.

"Yeah, I was. Actually, are you free today? We are planning to visit the city of Zohrab." He said smirking and unknowingly my lips turned to a smirk to.

"When are we leaving?" I asked.

"You are not leaving anywhere sir!" Maya ordered.

'Ahem, so now she is ordering you?'

The devil in my head said. 'Naah, she isn't ordering, or is she?' I questioned the devil too.

"But why?" I asked Maya.

"Cause, you have a doctor's appointment. And at any cost I'm not going to let you miss it. So be a good boy and follow me else, I have just learnt Judo too." She said in the most serious tone I have ever heard. Darn, please Allah, pity me.

"Well in that case, you better follow her." Ruman bhai winked at her and left us alone laughing.

"Shal we?" She asked. Her eyes being too stubborn to repel.

"Can we go back home first?" I tried to make excuses.

"Sure. Queen Madeeha also wished to come along." She said excited, almost jumping on her feet.

Yeah right, so that you and your queen Madeeha could kill me together.

"Sir, driver is here!" She said ending up her phone call, which I too didn't noticed, when she made. She is fast!

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