13.A Royal Date 2

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Ahaan's P.O.V:

It's not even a complete month since I have known Ahana back and here we are getting married. I guess Madeeha Bhabhi is right. Should I take her out for lunch or something.

I change my position from straight to right one on bed and thought of calling Maya for a suggestion.

"Hello..?" Maya answers.
"Sleeping? Did I disturb?" I pretend to be kind.
"Which kind of trouble are you stuck in now?" she asks. How the hell does she know?

"Well, I don't know. I'm quiet confused. Can you help?" I pouted.

"Do I have a choice? " she cross questions.

"No, I guess." I reply in my childish tone.

"What is it? " Yeah! I knew she won't deny helping.

"Should I ask Ahana for a dinner date tomorrow? " I blurted.

"What?" what kind of a reaction is that.

"Sir, she is your future wife. Of course you should ask her." her voice suddenly took a change from shocked to sweet.

"Alright thanks." I thanked her before ending the call and went to take a peaceful sleep.

The next day I woke up with that stupid cat of Madeeha's. I hate both of them for disturbing my sleep.

"Sir your coffee is ready, you have a meeting in an hour. London associates wants to have an online video chat and your gym trainer is angry on you for missing classes... Princess Rudeeha has a function in her school tonight and you are free from 6-8 pm as you have to pick the kids from school after that." she said all without a pause.

"Can you take pauses next time between your sentences?" I ask her throwing my towel on my bed. My hair were wet from the shower and water droplets dripping down my chest that hugged a silk inner.

"Sir, today you also have to ask Ahana ma'am for date." she reminded and I realized girls don't leave a chance to tease.

"Yeah. " I sighed.

She kept the coffee mug on the side table beside Sofiya's picture. I went on to take out my clothes from the closet and when I returned after a couple of minutes I found her still there.

"Isn't she beautiful?" I ask her.

"Wh.. Who...?" she sounds disturbed.

"Sofiya... My Sofi!" I said taking the picture from her hand.

"Sh-She-is-Sofiya?" she questioned in a scared voice.

"I... I gotta go." she left saying that. What happened to her?  A minute back she was fine. Why was she so much scared?

Maya's P.O.V :

Seems like destiny is playing games. How is this possible. That girl cannot be Sofia... The whole family says Sofia was a blessing to them, she was sweet and generous... But this girl in the picture... And if she is Sofia and Sofia is dead that means.. Siraj's daughter Sofia is dead too? I thought this mystery was solved but then how come everything got tangled again?

"Ahana?" I hear the real Maya who is now pretending to be me, that is Ahana calling me.

"It's Maya now, don't forget." I tell her still lost in my own world. I was sitting in Ahaan Sir's room all surrounded by his files while he was out with his father discussing on some royal matters.

"What happened? You look stressed." she asks locking the door behind her. I take a relief in sigh and lose my hijab revealing a face I was hiding for years now.

"It's getting more complicated." I tell her showing Sofia's picture.

"Siraj's daughter? What's her picture doing in here?" she freaks out too. It's pretty obvious. All her training days she had her focus on Sabir Uncle's threat Siraj and his daughter Sofia.

"She is the girl Ahaan was getting married to, the one who died three years back." I sigh recalling my first and last meet with her. How she kidnapped Madeeha and gifted her to Siraj, how she made sure to kill her...

"I heard Shumaila killed her... Do you think she could help us solve out this mystery?" she suggests trying on my hijab. She removed her hazel lenses and revealed her blue eyes covering her face with the corner of her hijab.

"Sometimes I feel I was trained to look like this. This is me... The real me... " she wipes a tear drop as it escapes her eye.

"Seems like our destinies are at fault." I reply. I was wearing a pink and blue Anarkali today, it was covered under my Burkha as I had to go out for a secret mission.

"Give me that Burkha once." fake Ahana commands. I thought if saying no but then it might upset her, so I removed it and gave it to her.


"What happened?" she asked all confused. There was an excruciating pain in my eyes.

"I guess my contact lens just broke." I replied to her.

"Show me..." she came closer and helped me removing that revealing my original hazel eyes.

"Thanks." I said removing the other one too.

"What do we do now?" she glares at the broken lens while I fix my dupatta trying to search for the extra pair I keep with me everytime.

"Why are you wearing a suit? You know you can't risk it." she scolds me. She has all rights too. She is the one trained all those year, I am just a replica.

"Maya, get me Zohrab's agriculture land's file." Ahaan breaks in through the door. I stare at my sister realizing all our efforts went in water as Now Ahaan had seen us in our real forms. I was dressed as the real me, that is Ahana while Ahana was dressed as the real her that is Maya.

"Wow, you look gorgeous. What are you doing here?" he asks looking at me. I stare at him dumbfounded trying to figure out what's wrong with him. Why isn't he shocked?

"Ahana? Where are you lost?" he asks waving his hand in front of my face.

"Unm.. I... "

"Is this the file you were searching for?" my saviour speaks finally making me realize that Ahaan is again confused between us.

"Yes. Thank you Maya." he says looking at her taking the file from her hand and starts to walk out of the room. He stops through the mid way and turns back alarming us.

"Ahana..?" He questions. Shit! I knew it we'll get caught today. Allah Miyan! Please save us.

"I'm going to visit Zohrab today. Will you come along? Maya has to go out for some work." he asks and we both take a relief in sigh.

"Sure she would. I mean... You should go Ahana ma'am." my sister will get me arrested some day. What is she doing? I'm no more Ahana! She is the new Ahana... How can I go in place of her?

"I.. I.. Actually... "

"She will definitely go. After all she is going to be the Queen of Zohrab, she needs to know the place more than you do." Madeeha enters pouring petrol in the already lit fire.

"Alright then. Let's go." Ahaan says and walks forward to me. He holds my hand and somewhat pulls me with him outside the room. I turn to look at the fake Ahana now dressed as Maya winking at me.

This is the situation where I can't understand weather to laugh or to cry on my condition.

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