22. Married in London

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The next morning was not at all pleasant. I still had a severe headache and nausea because of the medicines Samar was giving me. I was recovering but it was a really slow recovery. I got dressed up back into my uniform and tied my hijab to cover my face. Humair was out for a walk and I wanted to leave before he returned. I had no intentions of involving him into this stuff. I needed to take appropriate precautions so I turned my black assassin suit into a maroon Abaya and covering my eyes with a pair of goggles left for my mission. It was a 2 hour ride from Humair's apartment to the palace and I wasn't sure how I was going to enter now that I didn't had my intelligence batch.

Eyes can fool people but heart is the one who taught eyes the game. I was outside the palace and yet I could sense how happy everyone was inside the beautiful mansion. I walked inside along with the regular maidens at the time of their shift change. They all wore the same colored Abaya and I knew this was the best way to get in. But as soon as I entered the palace I was taken a back. Ahaan was sitting in his garden reading the morning newspaper, the kids were playing by his side while Samar was serving him his coffee.

"Your ID card ma'am?" The guard questioned making me aware of the reality. The palace had changed, drastically.
"I don't have an ID." I blurted.
"I can't let you inside then. I'm sorry." He said showing me the way out of the gate.
"She's with me." Humair showed up from nowhere cutting me in between.
"Excuse my wife, she's new here. Dosen't know your rules." He added grabbing my arm and pulling me out of the queue.
"Your wife?" Ahaan asked all of a sudden appearing from nowhere. I was completely frozen in my place and I really didn't know how to react.
"Yes, any problems?" Humair asked.
"Seems like you finally decided to let go of my Ahana." Ahaan chuckled side hugging Samar who just joined him.
"No. I have my Ahana by my side." Humair said kissing my knuckles. Ahaan looked at us shocked hearing him call me Ahana.
"What?" Ahaan asked out of confusion.
"Meet my wife Ahana Abrar Ali." Humair answered smiling.
"Oh, Abrar Uncle's daughter? I knew something was cooking between you too." Ahaan said hugging Humair.
"Yeah, after all you're too good at eating other's kheer, if not you then who could smell such things." Humair joked as I stared at both of them getting all comfortable with each other. Kheer is basically a word Humair uses for Love.
"Let's go sit in the garden?" Samar asked. Ahaan gave her a smile which to me seemed so fake and forced as if his lips would just fall of any second now. It was weird and I had never seen Ahaan look so annoyed but still smiling. Ahaan is the kind of guy who would never ever fake his happiness then what was making him change his rules?
"Ahana let's go?" Humair asked holding my hand. I followed him as we entered the garden. Samar sat beside Ahaan and I took a seat beside Humair.
"So, when did you guys marry?" Samar asked me.
I looked at Humair for an answer, after all I just learned I'm married to him.
"Sweety don't you remember, she can't speak." Ahaan replied to Samar saving me again.
"Oh yes, I'm so sorry." She apologized.
"No you're not." Humair murmured laughing.
"What?" She asked again.
"Nothing. And we got married a few months back in London. You were being so stubborn, I was afraid I was going to waste all handsomeness." Humair said flirting with Samar.
"Well perhaps now I won't rot in hell for breaking such a sexy heart." Samar flirted back.
"If you keep doing this I might end up getting myself into two marriages lady." Humair said folding his shirt's sleeves. Samar looked at him carefully, generously, drooling at his physique as my supposed to be husband Humair matched her supposed to be future husband's eyes (Ahaan's).
"Do you want some coffee?" Ahaan asked gritting his teeth.
"Well, I only drink coffee that my wife makes." Humair said giving me the cattle.
"Of course Romeo." Ahaan smiled forwarding his cup as well. I looked at him and slowly nodded. I poured some milk into three cups, added a little chocolate powder, some coconut jaggery and a few raw coffee beans with coffee powder. Ahaan was staring at my hands continuously.
"Why don't you take down your Abaya, it's just family?" Samar offered.
"What's wrong with you today? Don't you remember she does strict Parda?" Ahaan snapped.
I offered Humair his cup. Samar picked a cup for herself. Ahaan looked at her and rolled his eyes. This is what you get when you choose the wrong Ahana. I offered him the last cup and he simply gave me a smile.
"Your coffee?" Samar asked.
"She doesn't like coffee." Humair replied.
Ahaan was acting weird and I don't know how others were not able to see how irritated he was by Samar. He stirred his coffee and hesitantly took a sip. His eyes popped open as the taste of coffee slowly told him a hidden truth. He kept on staring at me for the next few seconds before Samar kept her head on his shoulder.
"Where did you learn to make this?" He asked. I looked at him struggle to make sense out of how the coffee tasted the same as if his Ahana had made it.
I pointed at Samar to clear the confusion while she shamelessly took all the credits hugging Ahaan.

"So I heard you guys had a little drama few weeks back?" Humair asked.
"Don't even remind me. She was some idiot girl trying to snatch my Ahaan from me." Samar replied.
"Interesting." Humair said smirking.
"Yeah, it was some middleclass girl trying to be queen. You know how they are right?" Samar laughed.
"Of course, just like you." Ahaan chuckled.
"You're still dumb." Samar tried to act as if she remembered Humair but what she didn't know was the fact that it was only me and Ahaan who used to fight and Humair was always nice and sweet to me.
"Just like you. By the way your hair looks weird, have you been not taking care of the birds who sit in the nest above your head?" Humair joked.
"Yeah, I couldn't help it. They're searching for their friend you know, for you. They flew away." Samar returned the favor. Ahaan kept staring at both of them awkwardly while I kept punching Humair as much as I can to control him.
"Anyways, you guys carry on, I have to go get ready. The rituals begin today." Samar said jumping on her feet.
"Sure." Humair replied.
"The wedding is in two days, why don't you both stay with us here?" Ahaan asked.
"Now that's quite a deal, I think I might be able to convince Ahana to run away with me before marriage." Humair teased Samar as I punched him in his belly.
"So we better get going. Everyone must be waiting for us." Ahaan said side hugging Ahana and walked her inside the palace with him. We were sent to our room by a servant. I wasn't in the mood but I still was supposed to think of a way to get this family out of this situation.
"Our own room. Seems like a dream." Humair said jumping on the bed.
"Excuse me? That's my bed. You take your couch. And we got married in london? I'm your wife?" I questioned throwing pillows over him.
"Well we married in my dreams a thousand times. And london was just one time but it was the best. You looked the most gorgeous there." He said trying to calm me down. I sat beside him on the bed and pretended to be interested in what he was saying. He continued, "You wore a purple Lehenga, it was decorated with pearls. Your eyes were speaking for themselves, hazel and real. Your cheeks were full of the natural blush and you were looking the most real in that dream. I was so mesmerized I ended up marrying you twice that day."
I was speechless after his little story about his dreams. My eyes were still fixed on his trying to find at least one part that could be lie but I failed. His soul was so true, so pure that mine felt ashamed. No wonder he deserves the best. And I'm not the best.

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