33. Royal Drama

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While everyone was trying to understand how are we going to adjust with each other, our happy sad intervals never failed to amaze me. Ahaan loved annoying me but it wasn't just his childishness, it was something more complicated. I got dressed up finally as his bride one last time and walked down the aisle with Madeeha supporting my lehenga. Well, technically it was not the wedding ceremony but the coronation of the King of Zohrab. My eyes were not at all interested in anything because of the weight of the heavy makeup. They denied looking up but how long could they hold up once the epic idiot Ahaan makes his entry. They were too scared of his tricks and were always on alert mode when he was around. As it was decided I was supposed to come after him but he being such a drama queen (he really was) made a special appearance. Take a guess from where and when?

He appeared right at the moment I was about to step inside the wedding hall obviously trying to irritate me. Succeeding because of so much makeup.
"I'm supposed to be inside when you step in. Make way for me." He ordered from behind.
"First come, first serve." I replied adjusting my veil. I heard all the girls giggle by my side while I smiled proudly under the veil.
"Naah, I prefer you saving me a seat always." He said pulling me back by holding my veil. I tripped and fell miserably in two strong arms as expected. But you know, it's a royal wedding, how can it not have any sincere drama.

"I'm supposed to be holding her if she falls." Ahaan said in a grumpy voice.
"After you get married. Right now, I'm going to enjoy my last moments with her in peace." Humair said helping me stand again.
"Not today you two. I'm warning you!" I threatened them removing my veil as I matched Humair's eyes.
"Let's go." Ahaan said pulling me by hand as I stumbled in my lehenga.
"You be slow or else you'll be doomed for the rest of your life." I warned Ahaan stepping on his shoes.
"Ouch!" He cried slowing down.
"That's better." I smirked. Humair went ahead of us to throw flowers at us while we enter the hall which was the plan of obviously Madeeha the great. Upon reaching the door I stopped and waited for Ahaan to enter.

"What's wrong now? Don't tell me you have got to use the washroom because of nervousness?" He teased whispering.
"Very funny. You go first. You're the one they are going to walk after and look up to. I'll be the first one to follow your steps." I said realizing this one step was going to change the definition of my life.
"You walking behind me so that you can push me anytime, dream on girl. I prefer you by my side, always." He mumbled looking at me as he dragged me inside his, I mean, our new palace. He had a smile that I had never seen before. A magical smile and it was so much more beautiful than the stars they talk about all the time. Even I was mesmerized.
"All hail, King Ahaan and his new Queen Ahana!" Ruman cheered and all the other people followed him.

There were so many flower petals flying everywhere while the whole palace shined like the moon itself. And amongst all of this there was this unknown feeling of belonging that just kept telling me, this is where I belong. Ahaan helped me step on the stairs till his throne. He was finally about to be the real King of Zohrab, his efforts and struggles were going to bring him his fruit. It all seemed so perfect that I just couldn't believe my eyes. Finally, Ahaan was about to descend his throne when all of a sudden someone yelled,
"Stop! He cannot be the King!"
As always, this is a royal wedding, how on heaven was it possible for it to be peaceful. And out of all the people, I had never expected him to object.  It was Humair.
"What? Why?" Ruman asked as the guards tried to stop him from stepping closer towards us. Ahaan was more furious than ever but still he wanted to settle his score with him once and for all so he allowed him to walk towards us. Humair came up to the throne smiling sheepishly and stood beside me holding my hand.
"Because he is missing his royal brooch." He said, handling me the most important element of the royal wedding and coronation. I looked upto him confused.
"Just because you're smiling, I'm letting you stay with this idiot. And let me tell you, my offer is still valid, I can still pick you up and we can still elope." He smirked. I flickered my eyes to the two of them looking at me hopefully and taking the brooch from Humair's hand said,
"I guess I'll stick with the original plan."
Humair backed of throwing his hands in the air yet smiling. He was happy for me but I could still hear his heart getting crushed. But for now, I had something more important to focus on.
"What are you waiting for? Complete the ritual Mrs. Khan." Ahaan mumbled.
I wasn't ready for the title yet but I guess, that was the end of era in our troublesome story.
I turned to face Ahaan, who was obviously much taller than me. The brooch had a beautiful lily
Embedded with sapphire stones. It was one of a kind. I took a deep breath and finally placed it on Ahaan's left shoulder, right above his heart. My heart raced thinking this was the first ever task I did as his wife, this was the big step that was going to change my life and this was moment that marked him mine, forever.

My eyes were fixed on the brooch as my hands creased out his stand collar. I was reluctant to look up, I just wanted the moment to stop. I was still lost in admiring its beauty when his fingers reached my chin and forced me to match his gaze. His touch had me frozen in my place while the intensity of the situation was draining out all my strength. He caressed the sides of my lips as he slowly smiled before kissing my forehead.
"Thank you, for making me what I'm today." He whispered before turning to face the crowd.
Grandpa came up and crowned the new King while I simply kept on smiling like a fool all the time. Ahaan took his oath as the new King and I accompanied him. He was in some other world. He looked sincere and he meant all his words, and above all he believed in himself.


Too Sweet 😥
So, what are we expecting next? 👀

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