16. Colors of love

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Death is a stupid concept. You love someone for years, you believe in them for years, you get addicted to them and all of sudden one day death takes them away from us. You wake up and boom! That person is not even by your side anymore. I never feared death, not that I never wanted to but I had nobody this close to lose. For years I had been trained for this. Trained for not letting emotions and feelings temper with reality for me. And today here I stand, dressed as Maya again, holding Ahaan's coat while he gets ready to take his kingdom and set the people free.

I was smiling under my hijab, I was loving how happy he was. He always wanted to have his own kingdom and help people. I handed him his coat and creased it out after he wore it. It was a royal blue coat with shining black dust. I followed him outside his room as he stepped down to have breakfast with his family. My sister sat beside him and I stood behind him. Soon Ruman and Ravish came out and took their seats. Ahaan's father and Grandfather was helping his grandfather walk towards the table. Today, Ahaan was able to sit beside his brothers when the elders came as a king himself, this was a family tradition. The kings don't stand, even though if there's an elder person or king. That's how grandfather liked it.

The servants brought the mirror to address the king's and their queens of the proper posture before Grandfather entered. Humairah and Madeeha came and stood beside Ravish and Ruman respectively. Weirdly, my sister was left out of the frame because she was sitting while I was included as I was still standing. I wanted to shift but Grandfather had already entered the room.

Everyone greeted him and I stood frozen in my place. Luckily he ignored our mistake and they all began to have their breakfast. I was helping the servants serve food when I realised Ahaan had forgotten his watch in his room. I turned to get it back but felt a strong grip on my hand.
"Where are you going?" It was Grandfather. He didn't seemed much pleased.
"Ahaan Sir seemed to have left his watch in his room, he might get late, so I thought..." I tried explaining.
"Send a servant. In this family, we all eat together. Come sit." Grandfather ordered and I everyone looked at me dumbfounded.
Ahaan had a smirking smile on his face and I wasn't sure what was going on.
"Nobody disobeys my grandpa, not even my secretory. Come sit." Ahaan ordered smirking.
I took a seat beside my sister and she passed me a plate.
"Who all are going to Zohrab today?" Grandpa asked.
"Me, Ahana and Maya." Ahaan replied. Why me?
"What about the rest of you? Ravish, Ruman?" Grandpa asked again.
"They'll be helping us with the wedding preparations today. I say let Maya stay with us too." Humairah suggested.
"No. Maya should go with Ahaan and Ahana, after all we need better people to look after them. And Maya is the best." Madeeha suggested.
"Maya will go with Ahaan and Ahana, it's not good to leave still to be married couple alone all the time." Grandpa declared and that struck so hard in my heart, I literally felt it drop to my abdomen.
"Sure." My sister said jumping from her seat. What kind of a bride is she going to be with her attitude?

"Hurry up then, we better get going." Ahaan stood up taking his coat and walked before us.
We reached Zohrab and half of the time Ahaan kept discussing his upcoming meetings and plans for Zohrab with me. According to what happened yesterday he should have asked for Ahana's input which he didn't.
When we got off the car, Ahaan walked in front if me with my sister by his side and it did not felt good. It was supposed to be the perfect thing I was hoping for, but there was some kind of hollow.
Ahaan went inside the head office of the palace where he was supposed to meet his state coordinators. I was with him while my sister decided to meet the refugee tribe. I made her decide that.
It took Ahaan 45 minutes to explain his new plan for the kingdom and around 20 minutes for the introduction. The meeting was a proper success. We left the room and returned to go to the refugee tribe. When we got there my lovely sister was resting on a furred chair and had a refugee holding umbrella for her. One of them had a fan in his hand and one lady was massaging her feet.
"Ahana!" Ahaan shouted in anger.
"What?" She yelled back.
"What are you doing? We are here to free these people. Not to torture them." Ahaan yelled.
"Stop screaming at me my dear fiance. These people wanted to do something for their queen, if they felt happy after doing this, who am I to stop them." She defended. This was breaking my heart. Why was she behaving so weird?

"We are going back home and this is the last time you're making anyone of them do anything of such sort. Do you get that?" He asked.
"Ugh, fine. Stop making it such a big issue." She replied.
The whole drive back home none of us spoke to each other, even after we got back home. She walked inside the palace before we did. Ahaan got out of the car still mad at her. He had her purse in his hand which she had left in the back seat.
"Give it to her." He snapped.
"Yes sir." I replied taking her bag and followed Ahaan till he got to his room. He shut the door on my face and locked it from inside. I knew I had to do something about this today.
"What the hell do you think you are doing? Are you crazy?" I entered my sister's room yelling at her.
"Ugh, relax sweetie, stop making it such a bug issue. They were servants anyway." She yelled back.
"Really? That's how you're going to rule them. You're going to be their Queen Ahana, they'll look after you like a child looks at his mother. Understand this. You'll no longer just be some girl or just some spy girl!" I tried to make her understand.
"That's not me. I never wanted to be a queen. And if I get to be a queen, there are plenty of people to look after me, I won't need to be just some girl sister. Now get out of my room." She declared pushing me out of her room.
"You're unbelievable. Fine." I said throwing her bag on her face and left to head back towards my room.

You don't have choices once someone dies and here today for me a part of me died. Because this girl can't be my sister. She was a giver and this girl was being ridiculous.

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