is this love or something else?

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A/N: Hey guys! This chapter was edited by my new editor!

Sebastian's P.O.V:

I was in the Phantomhive manor's kitchen preparing the young masters tea. I was being extra gentle and precise making sure it was perfect, perfect for such a beautiful person. I finished making his tea and put it on a tray with a spoon and a bowl of sugar cubes. Making my way out of the pristine kitchen, I made my way up the long and curvy staircase. Once I reached his study I knocked on the hard oak wood door. After a couple of seconds, I heard his tired voice bluntly yell, "Come in,". I quietly opened the door and slowly made my way over to my masters' desk. Gently, I set the silver tray down and brought my gloved hand to my chest. "I hope it is to your liking, Young Master," I said eyeing the boy. His hair was slightly tousled and his jacket was unbuttoned. He picked up the teacup, not taking his eyes off of his papers, and took a sip of the Earl Grey tea. "It's fine, you can leave." His voice was bland as I turned away and quietly walked to the door, softly shutting it behind me.

I began my long walk to the library. Walking through the dimly lit hallway, you can't help but notice the long line of paintings with former Phantomhives' that have been dead for years. At the end of the staircase, I stopped to take in the newest, but also the oldest painting of Ceils' parents. I can't help but feel sorry for my master and what happened to him at such a young age. He lost what mattered the most to him. What am I thinking? I'm a demon! I don't have emotions, only hunger for my masters' soul. But... I felt something for this young boy. He makes me feel things I shouldn't. I can't deny the fact that I care for him, and I can't deny that it isn't the contract making me feel these emotions. Why do I have such feelings?

Ceil's P.O.V:

I watched Sebastian place the tray of tea onto my desk. I couldn't help but notice how good his hair looked today. It made him look sexy, for a butler. Wait... what am I thinking? I am not into men. I have Elizabeth, she's my fiancée. As annoying she can be, I can't just leave her like that. Sebastian is my protector, a demon even. Hell, he's my butler! No Earl would date there own butler, guy or girl, but lately, I've been getting these weird feelings near him. Even when I think about him I get strange feelings. Even if I had some kind of feelings for Sebastian, he's a demon who can't feel emotions. So, why do I feel this way around him? Why do I always get nervous around him? Could I be scared of him? Even if I was, why is it only happening now? Confusion rushed over me. I have to find out what these feelings are. Could it be love? I rang the bell for Sebastian to come to my study. I felt like my heart was gonna beat out of my chest. It felt like millions of butterflies were in my stomach while I waited for my butler.

Sebastian's P.O.V:

I was ripped away from my thoughts by the sound of my masters' bell. I quickly walked towards his study and opened the door. "You rang for me, young master?" I said walking to his desk. "Yes, close the door." I did as he told and shut the wooden door. The master looked nervous and bewildered with his thoughts. I began to worry about him. "Come here," He instructed for me to come to his side. I walked up next to him and he turned to face me. "Young master is something wro-" I was cut off by his lips smashing into mine. My eyes went wide as I felt my heart flutter in my chest.

Ceil's P.O.V:

I couldn't think of any other way to figure out these feelings. So, why not try kissing him? What the hell am I doing?! I was about to move away, but Sebastian kissed back. He pushed me up against the wall and kissed me harder. At that moment, we both knew we had the same feelings for each other.

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