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Ceils pov:
        There seemed to be a change in Samuel. He was pale and he coughing. He wouldn't stop crying. I picked him up from his crib and his skin was freezing cold. I gasped  he began to cough waking up Sebastian. He groaned and he came into the baby's nursery. "Ceil what's wrong?!" He seemed to have noticed the worried look on my face. "He's ill" I said. Sebastian quickly made his way to my side feeling his head. "We must get him to a doctor" he said extremely worried.
       "Sebastian" a tear slipped from eye."is our baby gonna die" he didn't say anything he just pulled me close and wiped my tears. We got into a carriage despite how late it was and went to the doctor. He opened the door in his pajamas holding a lantern "sir phantomhive?" He questioned. "Yes doctor it's me I'm afraid our child is ill" I replied. He gestured to us to come inside. He sat down and he grabbed his back of medical tools. "He afraid he has hyperthermia" he said broke into sobs and Sebastian pulled me into a hug as I sobbed into his chest he asked "is he going to die doctor?" The doctor sighed "I-I'm afraid so" he said sadly. "How long does he have I turned around trying to contain myself. "A few more hours" he replied. I burst into tear and me and Sebastian held the baby in the carriage we got home and layer in between us in the bed. "Daddy loves you baby boy never forget that" I sobbed. "I hope you remember us our sweet child" Sebastian cried. We snuggled his small cold body. "I wanted to watch you grow watch you fall in love watch learn, I wanted to see you become a man" Sebastian sobbed. We held the baby close afraid to let go we pulled him closer every time the clock dinged signaling that an hour had gone by. We cried and held our baby boy he was blue and had purple lips he took in a deep breath and then didn't take another one.
      We both broke into sobs are sweet baby was gone. We would never see him again we wouldn't see him grow. The city morgue came and took our little Samuel to he prepared for Burial. Sebastian lied in bed crying in each other's arms for day maybe even weeks I lost track as the days came and went and the sun and moon rose. 
          Everyone tried to get us to come out we didn't though. The pain was unbearable, just when things began to look up the they began to go down hill at fast pace. There was nothing I could do to stop it, nothing to take the pain away. I couldn't bring my baby back and I felt like I could never be happy again.
         I wanted to die. I wanted to be reunited with Samuel. I wasn't ready to let go. I noticed Had left the room which was surprising to me. I got up and went to the bathroom pulling out a container of sleeping pills and filling a tea cup with water. I was about to put the pills in my mouth when Sebastian burst down the door making me drop the pills they scattered across the floor and I dropped to the floor sobbing. Sebastian came to me and held me in his arms as I sobbed. "I'm sorry Sebastian" I cried.

"Shhhh" he stroked my back "it's okay it's not your fault but I love you Ceil and I loved Samuel a lot and so did you but together we can through this please don't leave me ceil" he began to sob "your all I have" he cried we held each other tightly on the bathroom floor. My head resting on his shoulder and my arms wrapped tightly around him I was sitting on his lap and he had his arms around me. "I will always be here to protect you ceil all you have to do is stay here for me" he said staring into my eyes.

"Yes Sebastian" our lips collided everything seem to go away he pulled away and picked me up bringing me to my bed tucking me in.

   "Please get some sleep you have not slept in weeks" he said . He then picked up the pills in the bathroom and came back laying behind me spooning me.

          I was the most beautiful place the sun was shining and the sky was blue with white fluffy clouds. The flowers beneath my feet were swaying in the wind the grass the greenest I have ever seen I turned to see a beautiful river and on the river bank was Samuel's a baby carriage I walked over and peered in. However he wasn't in there. I turned to see behind me and I saw my mother holding my sweet Samuel in her arms. He was peacefully sleeping. "I will take care him ceil, me and your father as we did you this is our grandchild" my mother spoke sweetly. "" I whispered.

  Sebastian's pov:
        "" I heard ceil sleep talking. I reached over me shook him awake. He opened his beautiful damaged blue eyes and looked at me. "He's in a better place" he said. I smile and wiped a tear from my eye as we cuddled listening to the night time sounds coming from the window into finally he fell back asleep. I watched him sleep through the night with a peaceful look on his face. He was beautiful when he slept. Whatever dream he had it had given him peace and acceptance.


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