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Sebastian's Pov:

Ceil was sleeping peacefully in my arms when I opened my eyes in the morning. I sat awake and watched him as his chest rose and fell and his hair fell in his face over his closed eyes. I smiled and brushed the hair out of his face. I kissed his forehead and slowly rose from the bed to prepare breakfast. I slowly made my way to the dining room however when I got there I was not expecting what happened next.

"Hey, Sebby!"

Grell smiled at me flashing those pointy teeth. I sighed and gave her the death stare. She simply continued to smile at me with an insane look in her eyes like always. What the hell was she doing here? I walked right by her like she was not there and began to prepare breakfast.

"What the hell are you doing here Grell?" I snarled.

"I miss you Sebby"

"Well, unfortunately, Grell I've moved on"


"Shut up please" I snapped.

"Youll wake him"

"Him?!" Grell gasped.

"Yes 'him' as in my boyfriend now leave"

"But... But... Sebby I came all this way I tracked you down"

"You don't get me back Grell" I snapped once more.

"I'm in love with Ceil"

"I thought you love me" Grell cried.

"You were nothing more than someone I slept with"

"You mean you never felt anything for me"

"Yes, Grell I've told you this how many times before?"

"Sebby I love you"

"Leave now"


I heard her footstep disappear down the hall and began to prepare breakfast. Until I heard heels clicking up the stairs. I sighed then bolted to the stair and caught up with Grell halfway up. I grabbed the back of her collar and pulled her towards me.

"You take one step near me or Ceil and I will inflict upon you unbearable pain without a second thought"

"Kinky" She smirked.

"The fuck out of this manor now before I kill you"

She ran out the door without a look back and I went to attempt to make breakfast. Until I heard Ceils voice and his footsteps padding down the steps.

"Who was she, Sebastian"


"The girl why did she call you Sebby why was she here?"

"Someone I used to sleep with," I said.

"Why was she here," He said rage building in his voice.

"She wanted me back I kicked her out," I said.

"Sebastian... Why was she really here? Please do not lie to me"

"Ceil... My love, I would never lie to you" I pleaded.

"I love you... Only you" I continued.

He leaned forward and kissed my lips softly and then pulled away and placed his forehead on my mine I stared into his beautiful blue eyes drowning in them. I could always get lost in his eyes. Tears streaked his face and I wiped them away with my thumbs holding his face softly in my hands. I leaned forward and kissed his lips again. He pulled away and I wiped more tears from his face.

"I'm sorry" Ceil whispered.

"Please Don't be sorry," I said back

"I should trust you," He said.

"I'm sorry I did that to Sebastian"

"Shhh, its okay my love. You're actually kind of cute when you get jealous."

"Oh shut up" He chuckled hitting me lightly in the arm.

After breakfast, ceil went to his study to start his work and I made my way to the library to do some dusting. I started dusting the books as I always do when I felt a presence behind me watching me. I turned quickly on my heel and what a surprise. It was Grell.

"What did I say!" I snapped.

"Empty threats Sebby... I know you still love me"

"I never loved you, Grell"

"Come on Sebby"

"Grell I-"

She slammed her lips to mine and my eyes widened in shock she pushed me into a self-holding me against it I was trying to break free when a shocked and heartbroken ceil stood in the doorway of the library. He threw a piece of folded paper to the ground and stomped down the stairs with tears streaming his face. I got the strength and pushed Grell off me sending her flying into another bookshelf.

"You've ruined everything" I screamed in her face.

"I-" She tried to speak but I smacked her.

"You are the worst being I have ever met in my life" I growled.

I picked up the paper off the ground and went to go find Ceil. I called his name through the manor but found no sign of him. And as quickly as he walked into my life he could have just walked out. I made my way to the gardens and sat on a bench I looked at the paper ceil through clutched in my hand. I unfolded it tears streaming down my face and trying to read the blurry writing on the paper. My breath caught in my throat and a sob escaped my lips.

Ceil's Pov:

I stood in the doorway of the library paper clutched in hand ready to give it to him. But what stood before me shattered me into a million pieces. The woman from earlier the one he used to sleep with had him pushed against the bookshelf their lips intertwined. I gasped and ran down the hall throwing the paper to the ground I ran and ran and ran.

I made my way outside to the rose maze and began to walk. How could he do that to me? I trusted him. I thought he was in love with me. Why did I think I even had a chance with him. I'm no good. I started to cry and sank to the ground. He was my everything. How could he do this to me? After everything, we have been through. We almost had a family together.

Sebastian Pov:

I read the letter he had written to me every word and savored them. I cried more and more every sentence. He hates me. Grell ruined everything for me.

The note:


I love you so much. I'm so sorry about this morning. I trust you I always will. You are the one person I love more than anything. The one person who has been with me through everything. I would have loved to have a family with you. I could not think of any other person I would have wanted to raise a child with. You are the sun of my universe. I revolve around you. You saved me and showed me what love is. I would die for you with a smile on my face knowing it was for you.

Love, Ceil 

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