Baby name

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Sebastian POV: 

                      Ceil cradled the baby in his arms as I peered over his shoulder and all the others gathered around him. I smiled as he told them the baby's name. "The baby's name is....." he  hesitated and the servants waited not being able to wait any longer they were shaking "Samuel" they all awe'd at the baby's named and cooed at him "Samuel, Samuel"  they cooed Ceil took him upstairs to his new nursery that the servants had been working on the whole time we had been gone. I followed him up the steps and into the nursery where he lied  the baby in his crib and then took in the nursery.

                 It was painted a dark purple and his crib was black with a black bed spread. The dark wood floor had a black rug and his burrow was the same dark wood color he had a mobile with ravens. Just like his dad Sebastian. I  He had night stand the same dark wood with a lamp on it. We both kissed the baby on the forehead and stepped out I had already love this child and I could tell Ceil did too. We walked back to our room and Ceil shut the door behind us we looked at each other and kissed passionately. We pulled apart and looked into each other's eyes. 

A/N : Warning They are going to make out 

I lied down on his bed  and covered up  moving over and lifting the other side of the blanket and patting the bed he walked over and slid under the covers cuddling into my bare chest. I stroked his hair and kissed his forehead he leaned his head and connected his lips to mine. I tangled my hands in Ceil's hair and he tangled his in mine. The kiss deepened and I licked the bottom of Ceil's lip he opened his mouth and I stuck my tongue inside Our tongues fought and then we pulled away breathing heaving. He lied back down and I played with his hair as he lied on my chest until he fell a sleep.  

A/N sorry for short chapter

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