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By the time we had arrived at the Undertakers parlor, the sun had completely gone and the moon was glowing full and bright. We walked inside the undertaker was putting makeup on a dead girl. She had blonde golden locks and green eyes. I already knew who it was. Elizabeth. He looked up at me then back at Elizabeth's body.

"A friend of yours?" He asked me.

"Quite the opposite really," I stated.

"Is there a reason you are here then?" he asked smiling devilishly.

"Yes, I 'm looking for my husband I was wondering if you knew where he is," I said.

"I have not seen the young Phantomhive," he said.

"Please let me know if you see anything," I said my voice cracking.

He bowed his head, "Of course Sebastian."

I exited the parlor and hopped back into the carriage sighing heavily. I wiped the tears from eyes and adjusted my hair. I prepared for another long and lonely night at home.

Ceil's pov:

   I hid in the attack. The sound of his voice carried through the building. A tear fell from my eye and slid down my face. I wiped it away and tried to keep myself together. I listened to the voices downstairs.

"Please let me know if you see anything" his voice cracked.

"Of course Sebastian"

   I heard the parlor door open and close and the undertaker's steps coming up the stairs. He opened the attic door. I was sitting in a corner on the far side of the room. He approached and crouched to me. He gave me his iconic smile.

"You know young Phatomhive  your betrothed is very worried"

"I know" I sighed.

"Do you really think Sebastian would ever do that to you?"

"I saw it with my own eyes"

   "Maybe there's more to it. You should talk to him" and with that, he left to continue his work. I sat and thought over his words for hours. I stood from the dusty attic floor wiping the dust from my butt. maybe he was right maybe I should listen to him.

A few hours later the undertaker entered the attic again with fresh blankets and pillows. I layer on the hard floor with my blanket and pillow and let my mind wander to Sebastian. I wondered what he was up to. I really missed him. I heard the undertaker locking up and then the sound of his carriage leaving. I slept restlessly tossing and turning all night until day light when the undertaker returned. He came up to the attic to check on me. I broke down and he rushed to me crouching beside me.

"I need to talk to him you're right" I cried.

"Go to him ceil" he said gently. "Take my carriage it's outside"

"Thank you sir for everything" I said.

"Of course ceil"

With that I was on my way. I rushed to the carriage waiting outside the shop and hopped inside. I was going to talk to Sebastian. The morning fog covered the sun and it was chilly as we approached the manor. I sat in the carriage a minute tears streaming my face as I thought of what to say. I knew I would never find the words so I hopped out of the carriage and headed to the door.

Sebastians POV:
   I spent the whole night pacing my room. Tears streaming my face and screaming out his name. It was early in the morning and I heard the manor door open and mayrin and squeal and say something excitedly. The other servants joined in and I decided to head down stairs. As my way to the bottom of the steps and the servants stepped away. I saw him. Ceil.

I ran to him and embraced him. Holding him tightly afraid he would leave again. I felt his arms wrap around me and I smiled. I breathed in his scent and cried as I held him.

"I missed you. I was so worried ceil"

"I'm sorry Sebastian"

"I'm just glad you're home" I sobbed.

He pulled away and held my face wiping my tears with his thumbs. He looked into my eyes and held my face in his hands just looking at me.

"Shhh my love. Everything's okay"

  I wrapped my arms around him once more picking him up and spinning him. I was so happy he was home. My ceil, my husband, the love of my life. Finally came home to me.

"But Sebastian, we do need to talk"

I put him down and adjusted my suit.

"Of course" I said.

Ceils POV:
I stepped inside the manor and mayrin turned ready to attack an intruder but stopped and squealed when she saw me she ran to me excitedly.

"Young Master! You've returned."

"Indeed I have" I sighed.

   What if Sebastian didn't even wanna see me? What if he wanted nothing to do with me? Just then the other servants ran into the room with the same excitement mayrin did.

"Young master!" They said in unison.

  It was good to see their smiling faces again. It was good to be home. But I was still worried about seeing Sebastian. I missed him. I needed to see him. But did he feel the same way. Did he despise me for leaving?

  The servants backed away from me and I saw him standing at the end of the steps. His face was streamed with tears and he had bags under his eyes. He looked like a mess but he still looks amazing. My beautiful mess staring back at me. He ran to me and embraced me hugging me tightly. I stood there shocked but wrapped my arms around him.

  I had missed him. I missed his touch, his voice, his scent. Now I was home. Sebastian. My lover, my husband, my favorite person, my protector, my partner in crime, my butler, my demon, my best friend and my home. Sebastian was home to me. I was happy to be home. I missed him so much.

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