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   Sebastian's Pov: 

     I searched the manor's grounds all night looking for even a sign of Ceil. However,  I found nothing. Not a single trace of him beside the note he left me. Tears blurred my vision as I made my way back inside the manor the sun was rising and the sky was a glow in hues of pink, orange, and blue. I would have thought it was beautiful if it were not for the feeling of dread in my stomach. I pushed open slowly and stepped inside the entrance hall or the manor. The servants were sitting on the stairs and when they heard the door open they snapped up to look at me. I could see in there eyes that they had not slept. They shot up from the stairs and all rushed over gathering around me. The look of worry on there faces matched how I felt. I just looked at my feet and shook my head. The sad look that spread onto there faces told me they knew what I meant. I moped my way the stairs and into Ceil's bedroom I slowly opened the door and threw myself into his bed which was still messy and breathed in his scent as I let tears fall onto the pillow.

    I started whispering to whimper and whisper to myself. "I'm so sorry Ceil. It really was not my fault I love you so much" I kept whispering it over and over as if somehow I thought he could hear me and would come back. But I knew that sitting here and crying was not going to help anything. I just could not stop myself. I sobbed for what felt like hours. I sat up and held his pillow letting my feet dangle off the side of the bed. I got up and made my way downstairs. I knew what I had to do. I made my way downstairs and approached the servants. 

"I know what I need to do" I whispered. 

"What is it, Sebastian?" they asked in unison. 

"I am going to search the whole world until I  find him" 

They stared at me in shock. 

"I told him I would go to the ends of the world for him and I intend to do so" I breathed. 

    They all tried to stop as I started summoning the carriages and horses. Nothing could stop me nothing at all. Ceil was the love of my life and I was not gonna let him just walk out of my life. I need him. After all, we have been through together this could not be the thing that would separate us. Nothing could tear us apart. I hopped in the carriage without a second thought and went to the first place I wanted to look A local motel. If he was not there I would pay a visit to the undertaker and see if he has heard anything of his whereabouts. I would not stop until I had ceil in my arms again. He is mine and no else's and I his. If only he knew that I was his and only his. If only Grell had not caused all this. I wiped a tear from my eye as the motel came into sight and the carriage stopped. I hopped down and ran inside to a man sitting behind a desk keys behind him and a sign-in sheet in front of him he dipped the quill in the ink and went to hang it to me. 

"No sir I need I am just looking for someone," I told him.

"I have not seen your fair maiden sir" he laughed 

"Not a single lady as stopped here" He continued. 

"I'm looking for my husband" I snapped. 

    He gave disgusted look and grabbed a necklace of the cross around his neck. Stupid human. They never know a demon when they see one. I hissed and showed my red eyes to him. He stammered backward screaming bible verses and cowering behind the desk I read through the names on the pages as he prayed and screamed. I rolled my eyes throwing the sign-in sheet in his face.  Ceil's name was no where to be found on the sheet. I burst out the door and hopped back into the carriage. Where the hell was he? 

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