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The bike came to a screeching halt as we made it to our destination.

Jeff parks and turns off the bike, I was still vibrating from the engine.

I slowly got off of the bike and looked at Jeffrey who had an amused smile on his face

"So how was your first ride?" He asks getting off of the bike.

I shrugged trying to play it cool "I mean it was alright"

He shakes his head and helps me take off the helmet "no but For real though, how was it?" He asks again.

"It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. It was fun!" I answered truthfully smiling like an idiot.

Jeffrey looked down at me and smiled softly "well that's good, I'm glad you had fun sweetheart" he takes back his jacket and holds my hand. I intertwine our fingers as we walk into the store.

Jeff let's go and walks over to a cart, he grabs one and starts pushing. He walks back up to me "okay what do we need for comic con?" He asks.

"Vodka. Lots and lots of vodka." I said honestly.

"Oh come on. It'll be fun" he says walking over to the hygienic area.

I don't reply I just keep walking. Don't get me wrong I'm so excited for comic con, but Jon will be there. And, with the way Jeff and i are going I don't want Jon to mess it up for me.

"So we are gonna need deodorant that's for sure" I said picking up a bar.

He smiled "what are you trying to say? I drink or something?" He teased looking at them.

I shake my head giggling "you're too much sometimes"

He smiles at me "oh but you love it"

I nodded and continued looking throughout the aisle.

We picked up some toothpaste and little mouthwashes, along with our deodorants.

Jeffrey walked infront of me, but he stopped dead in his tracks looking at something causing me to ram into his back.

"Hey what the heck?" I question.

He turns around and shows me a pregnancy test in his hand "you need one of these?" He questions.

I shake my head and keep walking down the aisle "Absolutely not!"


After a long shopping trip, we decided it was time to turn in, and I figured I should go ahead and bring up the dinner with my parents that way he knows not to get too relaxed.

We walked into my penthouse and the first thing Jeff did was take off his shoes and jacket.

I took off my boots and walked to my couch where I plopped down. Jeff followed right behind me and sat down next to me.

"I'm so beat" he says yawning, closing his eyes.

I nodded "me too"

"Can we just lay here for the rest of the day and watch Netflix while we eat our hearts out?" Jeffrey questioned, laying down and placing his head in my lap.

I smiled down at my cute boyfriend.

"Well speaking of the day, you and I have plans.."

His eyes popped open "we do?" He asks.

"Mhm. We are gonna go to moms for dinner"

He shut his eyes again "will Scott be there?" He asked annoyed.

Savior/ Jeffrey dean MorganWhere stories live. Discover now