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I woke up with Jeff on me, I quickly look over at the alarm clock to see it's 9 pm.

"Shit! Babe we have to get up" I said quickly.

Jeffrey shook his head "I don't wanna"

"It's nine and we haven't even packed" I panicked.

"Five more minutes" he protested rolling off of me and facing the other direction, pulling all of the blankets with him, leaving me there bare.

I laughed lowly "you're like a child" I stood up and walked to my bathroom door and took my pink silk robe off of the hook and walked back into the bedroom to see Jeff had sat up in bed and rubbing his tired eyes.

He smiled over at me "that was what I was gonna wear" he teased.

"You know what I'm going to get you for your birthday? A pink robe so we can match" I laughed pulling down my luggage from he closet.

He fake laughs "ha-ha very funny" he stood up and slips on his boxers.

I struggled with reaching the top of my closet even on my tippy toes.

I could hear Jeff laughing at me.

"Hey stop laughing at me!" I whined jumping trying to grab the luggage.

I heard his footsteps behind me, chuckling he reaches up and effortlessly pulls down the bulky suitcase and carries it over to the bed.

I cross my arms and narrow my eyes at how he just effortlessly did that.

He sets it down and turns around, smiling he winks at me

"Don't be jealous baby"

I scoffed "no I'm not jealous"

"Oh yes you are. You're jealous you can't look like this" he says pointing to his body.

I laughed "whatever you say babe"

"Jeff are you about ready?" I yell from the front door, rolling my suitcase to the door, making sure I have everything.

"One sec!" He yelled back. "I can't find my dammed toothbrush!" He said angrily.

I pulled out my phone and checked the time to see it was 10, we literally only had forty-five mins to make it to the airport and to the runway where our jet was gonna be boarding.

"Well we have to go" I said impatiently, crossing my arms.

"Well what the fuck does that have to do with my toothbrush?"

"Why are you getting angry with me over something you did?!" I called out hurt by his tone.

I heard heavy footsteps walking out of the bedroom, slamming the bedroom door behind him he shoots me a look of anger.

He sighs out "I'm sorry I'm just stressed out." He quickly says.

I shrug "can we just go?" I turn to look the other way. "You didn't have to yell at me." I opened the front door and started walking towards the elevator.

Jeff was on my tail. "Baby I'm sorry" he went to hold my hand but I pulled away.

"It's fine"

He sighed out and crossed his arms as we waited for the elevators to arrive. We stood in awkward silence.

Finally it got to the top floor, allowing Jeff and i to step in.

I pulled out my phone and went to text Norman.

Addison: hey, have you already left?
Norman: No why?

I smiled softly "maybe we can carpool with norm. He hasn't left yet" I said breaking the awkward silence in the elevator.

Savior/ Jeffrey dean MorganWhere stories live. Discover now