patience lost

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Addison POV

I woke up the next morning next to Jeffrey, scrolling on his phone and doing a lot of typing, this cautioned me because this isn't like him. Whenever he woke up in the mornings his phone wasn't ever his first priority.

I tried to think more intently into why he would be on his phone, but before I could even muster out something to say he beat me to it

"Mornin sleepyhead" he says, flashing me a warm, tired smile

"Good morning baby" I reply, sitting up a little bit looking down at my belly bump

He locks his phone and looks over at me "So about last night.. do you remember what you told me?"

I thought for a good moment, and I remembered all the things I had brought to Jeffrey's attention last night, and I've got to admit I felt so shitty for doing so. I didn't wanna make it seem like I was just expressing my feelings for attention, if anything I just wanted to vent how I felt and I needed to have someone there for me.

Even if Jeffrey didn't do too well with that last night, that's not his profession so I couldn't really be angry with him.

"Yes" I finally say

Silence falls and he clears his throat

"I'm sorry you feel this way addison, I want to help you in anyway I can. So, i am scheduling you an appointment with a therapist"

" why?" i ask, irritation hitting me hard.

"because addy, you really scared me last night.. what kind of man would i be if i didnt get you the proper help you so obviously need?"

Damn.. he got me there, Jeffrey was only trying to be a good man to me, and im taking his way of trying to help me all wrong.

i sigh heavily and nod "okay.. just promise me one thing"

"sure" he smiles sftly

"just dont bring this up to nyone.. i dont want the media getting ahold of this and having it be thus huge ordeal"

"of curse!' he says quickly, bringing me into his arms "I promise" and with that he kisses my forhead and lets me go "now lets get going, busy day ahead of us, yes?"

i agree and roll out of bed, waddling to the bathroom.


Jeffs pov

After lastnight my mind has been so cluttered with thoughts that i cant just shake. Her words keep playing like an endless loop through my mind. the way her voice sounded.. as if she was in defeat.. as if there was truly no helping her.

After she started the shower i sorta just stood in the bathroom, i was terrified to let her out of my sight, after my horrendous dream, and now her thoughts of suicide, its all just scaring me.

"i can shower by myself" she says bluntly as she starts undressing

"i know" i quickly say "im just.. here if you need anything"

Savior/ Jeffrey dean MorganWhere stories live. Discover now