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(A/N: This is my OC Laurel, she's my creation *special thanks to rinmarugames*

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(A/N: This is my OC Laurel, she's my creation *special thanks to rinmarugames*. I'll be revealing more of her backstory as the story goes on. Enjoy!)

Kanan taps his thigh twice.

I do the same.

I walk over to Sabine, and tap my tigh once. She responds by doing the same three times, and the two of us walk in separate directions. I make my way back to Kanan, as he ordered. By the time I reach him, the bomb Sabine placed on one of the bikes explodes.

"Get in," Kanan says as soon as it explodes. We both get into the speeder and make our way around the block, only to then encounter more bucketheads trying to get in our way.

"Laurel!" He says.

"I gotcha!" I yell and pull out both my blasters. I shoot the bucketheads away from us, and soon Zeb comes to our aid as well.

"What's the matter, big guy?" I ask him. "Didja want me to leave you more?"

He grabs a trooper and throws him over to another one. "That would've been nice, kid!"

I laugh and finish taking care of the bucketheads. When we're done, Kanan starts to round up the crates we need to take, and I along with Zeb help him out.

"Is that all of 'em?" I say.

"Yeah," Kanan replies. "Each of you, grab a bike and let's get out of here before more troopers come."

"Got it," I say.

Just as I'm about to get on my claimed speeder bike, somebody climbs on it, surprising me.

"Hey-!" I'm about to shoot him, but I hesitate.

Blue hair, blue eyes, slightly tanned skin, with orange clotes and a backpack. He's about my age, he's smirking, he's really cute-

"Thanks for doing the heavy lifting!" 

He starts the speeder bike and drives away

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He starts the speeder bike and drives away.

"H-HEY!" I say. "Get back here!"

"Nice one, kid!" Zeb yells. "You let the brat get away with it!"

Blackbird (Ezra x OC)Where stories live. Discover now