Double Blades

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I put my elbows on the surface of the table, place my chin on the union of the palms of my hands, and groan quietly.

Those two are arguing again. 

Rex doesn't make any "turn down for what" comebacks against Kanan, and I know he's holding back for me, but they're still arguing. And Kanan, on the other hand, is a lot more blunt. This time, they're arguing over who's more disciplined.

And then, Hera comes in the room to save the day. "Laurel?"

"Oh, thank goodness!"

She chuckles. "I've got a mission for you and Ezra. Zeb, you should go with them too."

"Sure thing," I reply. "What's this about?"

Hera hands me a data pad. "Thanks to Rex's coordinates, I was able to find a pretty good base where we could get medical supplies."

"Sounds easy enough," Ezra says quickly and grabs my hand. "We can handle it, thanks, bye, see you later, we'll be back!"

He clearly wants to get away from those two grumps as fast as I do. He starts walking me over to the Phantom.

I get the ship started when Zeb and Chopper join us. He looks at us with a tease in his eyes.

"You two were in quite the hurry to get out," he raises an eyebrow. "You forgot I was gonna be along?"

"Oh, we do that whenever we want," I say. "In any case, we'll lose ya around the base."

"Lau," Ezra complains, "now he's gonna expect it."

"Okay, you two better behave!"

I laugh. "Sorry Zeb. That's not the case, we just wanted to get some time without having to hear Kanan and my dad arguing."

"Yeah... about that," Ezra puts his hand on my shoulder. "I promise you they'll work it out."

I place my hand over his. "Thanks, love."

He pecks my forehead. "They'll work it out on their own, now let's get out of here."

"I like that idea," I say and detach the Phantom from the Ghost.

I follow the coordinates on the data pad that Hera gave us and pretty soon, we jump out of hyperspace to encounter a huge structure in the middle of space.

Ezra looks at it with awe. "What is this place?"

"According to that data pad, it's an Old Republic medical station," I reply. "I'm guessing this place was abandoned after the clone wars..."

I gasp.

"What's up?"

I sigh. "I... I think my dad met my mom here. He told me stories of how they met, and he mentioned a med station in the middle of nowhere."

I approach the hangar and land the Phantom for us to get out. Immediately, Chopper starts to complain.

"Don't worry, Chop, it's not that creepy!" Ezra replies to him. "It's just dark."

"Wait," Zeb looks down at him. "You understand that big can of metal?"

"Yeah... a bit. I'm still learning."

I lead them down to the doorway of the hangar, and try to press the controls to open it.

'But nothing happened.'

"Thought so," I say. "Power's out."

"I'm on it," Zeb says and opens the door by force. He first allows the three of us to get inside, then he does and the door shuts with a loud bang.

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