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On the very day that I have another appointment to see how my knee is going, the rebel fleet is under attack by lots and lots of imperial forces.

I wasn't able to go with the crew today because I've literally been waiting hours for my checkup, but Ezra told me over the com earlier that Chopper left the ship when he shouldn't have and they accidentally left him. What really happened with Chopper was that he saw a replacement leg to match his design, so he went to take it.

Stupid droid.

But now, he's given us coordinates that might just make a good base for the rebel fleet, so we're heading there practically fleeing from this Imperial attack.

I haven't exactly seen what the planet is like, because we've been carrying loads back and forth quite a few times. 

"Laurel?" It's Kanan.


"Meet me at the ramp," he says. "We're going to train."

"Got it," I say. 

I head down there, and Ezra's already training with Kanan. I set my own lightsaber to stun so that we don't cut off anything, and I join them. Ezra and I both fight Kanan, who actually defends himself from us with ease.

"You know, it's free for all."

I chuckle. "We like it better this way."

"Alright," Kanan says and puts away his lightsaber. "You two train."

Ezra looks at me with a little smirk. I smirk back at him, but then we regain our focus. 

Both of us have improved a lot. We're a lot more dynamic now and we can use the Force more too. I manage to sweep Ezra's legs and make him fall. Just before I submit him, he dodges the blade of my saber and we keep dueling.

"Keep your blades up," Kanan says. "It's easier to drop your saber than lift it up."

"Got it!"

Ezra and I keep on dueling, and then I jump up and flip over him. He reacts fast, and the two of us end up face to face, with our blade barely an inch from the other's face. We're both panting, and we stop moving.

Ezra puts his lightsaber away. "Not bad, but why do we always tie?"

"In a battle there's no such thing as a tie," Kanan says. "You lose, you die."

"And you win by killing an inquisitor," I say.

"No, you win by surviving."

I shrug. Both are ways to win.

I then notice that Hera and Sabine are watching us.

"You've gotten pretty good," says Sabine.

"What?" Ezra complains. "You mean we weren't good before?"

"I think she means you've gotten better," Hera corrects.

"We'll take it," I say.

"Alright," says Kanan. "Let's go again, free for all."

"Yes, Master."

Kanan turns on his lightsaber and the three of us keep training, and it's then that I notice a strange feeling in Hera.

She's feeling sad, dreading the moment when we'll have to go.


The base is just fine. It's not a big, fancy construction. In fact, the size is actually more than okay, and everyone is working on something to improve it. 

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