The bigger rebellion

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I'm sitting in the med bay next to Ezra and one of the droids is attending my wounded knee. Ezra holds my hand all the while. Come to think of it, he should probably see to those scratches on his cheek. The droid leaves for a while to get support for my knee.

"I'm still gonna be able to move around, right?"

He gently pats my knee. "Sure you are. You're being taken care of."

I lean in to kiss him passionately. He gasps in surprise at my sudden action, but afterwards he sinks into it and puts his hand gently on my neck, and kisses me slowly and passionately. Those kisses drive me crazy... he's just so perfect.

He pulls away only a few inches. "I love you."

"I love you too."

He resumes kissing until we hear someone walking inside. It's Ahsoka.

"Sorry," she says. "I could leave if you want."

"No, stay," I blush and give her a kind smile.

She chuckles and sits down on the little chair beside the bed.

"So," she says. "How's your family?"

"Dad's fine," I say. "He's retired, but he's doing okay. My mom..."

Her eyebrows lower. "Sorry."

"Don't worry," I say. "I have hope that we'll find her."

She smiles. "That's great."

The droid comes back in and starts putting a shaped fabirc on my knee.

"You are to wear this during activity," he says.

"Thank you," I reply.

The droid moves over to Ezra and without warning starts to disinfect his wounds.

"Ow!" He yelps in surprise.

I squeeze his hand, and he replies by grinning nervously. "I'm fine."

I peck his nose and let the droid finish doing its job, after which we have orders to meet Hera and Kanan.

"So," I say. "Sorry I couldn't aid in the battle."

"Relax," Kanan replies. "How's your knee?"

"Better," I reply.

We've been with a Rebel fleet ever since Kanan's rescue. Heh, I say that like it was a really long time ago. No, it's recent. Just a few days. Anyway, the fleet's now treating us like we're a part of it. The only thing I don't like is that there are so many rules. 

Both of my parents served in the Clone Wars, so following regulation is kind of in my blood. But well, anyone who knows Captain Rex knows that he always got creative with his plans. Either way, I did like it a lot more when we were just us, our own little cell, and we could move freely.

"Well done," Commander Sato walks in to meet us. "Thanks to you, we are now one step ahead of the Empire's movements."

"Thank you, Commander Sato," says Hera. 

Chopper comes in making a lot of noise, disturbing everything.

"What is the meaning of this?" Sato says.

Kanan stands up, care free. "It's probably just an incoming transmission... you know what, just play it Chopper."

I notice Hera frowning slightly at Kanan, who doesn't really respond. If there's anyone here who doesn't like the idea of rules and protocols in the least, it's Kanan.

"Chopper, put us in a one way transmission," Hera orders.

Chopper agrees and he projects the hologram of the bartender from back on Lothal.

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