Oh Wonder

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"Where are they?!" I yell out.

"They gotta be in this ship," Ezra replies. "Just keep warning them."

"Alright..." I say. "IT'S A TRAP!"

"IT'S A TRAP!" Ezra follows.

We make a turn to the left and find Zeb and Kanan there.

"It's a trap!" Ezra yells agian.

"Ugh, kids are pulling a prank," Zeb says.

"It's not a prank, it's a trap!" Ezra warns again.

"He's telling the truth," I say. "Hera sent us here to warn you. Now we should-"

A door opens revealing lots of bucketheads.

"Run!" I say.

We all fall back, and while we do Ezra reveals he has an energy slingshot as a weapon. That's helpful enough to keep them off our tail.

"Where are Sabine and Chopper?!" I yell.

"They'll stick to the plan, now move!" Kanan replies.

We keep running. I know that Kanan's got it all thought out. However, now there are troopers running towards us.

"Don't stop!" Kanan says. 

As we charge into each other, I suddenly feel the artificial gravity being turned off. That must have been Sabine's work. 

"Keep moving!" Kanan says.

I take out a blaster and shoot at some bucketheads. I see that Ezra's struggling with the lack of gravity (he actually looks really cute), so I decide to help him out.

"Hang on," I tell him. 

We both try our best to move ahead and dodge some of the blasts that are being shot at us, and we actually suceed at it. After about two minutes, the gravity is turned back on and we all fall flat on the floor.

"This way!" Kanan calls out. We're just one final sprint away from the Ghost.

I just saw Sabine and Chopper going in. Kanan follows after them. I trip, and Ezra helps me up.

"Thanks," I say sweetly.

He smiles in return and lets me run ahead of him so that I can get into the Ghost safely. I make my way to the cockpit. 

"Are we good to go?" I say.

"Yeah," Hera replies. "Air lock shut! Chopper, jam their tractor beam. Sabine?"

"You got it," Sabine replies through the com, and second later the transport ship is blown to pieces.

"I can't see it from here," Sabine says. "How did it look?"

"Gorgeous Sabine, as always," Kanan replies.

I sigh. "Welp... that went well."

"Yeah," Hera says. "And the kid did alright."

"He did okay," Kanan says as Sabine and Zeb walk into the cockpit with us. "Where is he?"

"Blueberry?" I call, but get no answer. 

It's then that I notice the guilty expression on Zeb's face.

"Zeb?" I say angrily. "What did you do to him?!"

"Calm down, Lau," Sabine comforts. "I'm sure your crush is okay."

"H-He's not my crush!!" I yell. I sigh and try to relax. "Now... where is he?"

"I..." Zeb replies. "I thought he was with you."

"What?" I say, getting worried.

"The... the troopers grabbed him."

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