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The trip back to Atollon was the longest ever

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The trip back to Atollon was the longest ever. The last time I felt so grim was when I lost my mother to the empire, and now, we don't know if Ahsoka's dead or alive, Kanan is vision deprived...

And Ezra may or may not fall to the dark side.

Back on Atollon, Chopper opens the backdoor of the Phantom for us. Ezra and I help Kanan walk out, and notice the rest of our crew is waiting there for us.

The first one who sees Kanan is Hera...


Upon seeing Kanan's state, she walks to him with no hesitation. Ezra and I move over to the side, and Hera brushes her hands lightly over Kanan's cheeks. Then, she pulls him down with her to a hug, and the sight of it breaks my heart.

I spot my dad and walk over to him. He takes me into his arms and gives me a tight hug. I hug him back and try to feel at ease.

"Ahsoka...?" He asks.

I look at him and with eyes filled with sorrow, I shake my head slowly. In response, captain Rex closes his eyes too and reflects the pain he's feeling over the loss of a friend.

And it's also the second mutual loss we've had.


A month has passed since Malachor, and there hasn't been much improvement. No news from Ahsoka, no way to give Kanan back his vision, and Ezra barely smiles.

For the first time, today he asked me to leave him alone. Politely, but you get the idea. I'm sitting alone on the little hill where we were talking with Zeb the day before we left, and stare out into the open sunset.


I turn around to see my dad walking over here. He sits down next to me, and sighs.

"Any luck?" I ask him.

"No," he replies. "Ezra's still in your room."

I sigh, and start getting up. "I have to go talk to him-"

"Kiddo, he needs time to set things straight."

"But it's been a month..." I say. 

"Some scars are more difficult to heal, Laurel," he says. "We were no different when your mother was taken."

I sigh. I haven't even gotten any leads on where she is.

"You're right," I say quietly. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be," he says. "Right now it's best to wait for everyone to get past this. Once Ezra's ready, he'll let you know."

I look back out at the sunset. My dad and I sit there for the whole while, until the sun is down below the horizon. He and I get up, and I make my way back to the Ghost. I walk quietly by the rooms, careful not to call anyone's attention, and then open the door to my room.

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