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With the rebellion, we're still looking for a base all around the Outer Rim. So far, no planets have made the cut. This is starting to ware me out, frankly. 

Today, it's up to me along with Kanan and Ezra to go scouting once more, to see if we can finally get a base for the rebellion. The planet has dark, cloudy skies, thunder and lightning now and then, rocky ground... this isn't so good on my knee.

And then, the Seventh Sister's lightsaber clashing on mine is enough to break my thought.

"I'm up to the roof with seeing you!"

She reveals her green, evil face. "I don't like seeing you either. Your boyfriend, on the other hand..."

I push her away over to a rock only for the Fifth Brother to come charging at me. I take out my green lightsaber, the one Ahsoka handed down to me, and keep him at bay. 

Kanan is over with the Seventh Sister trying to defeat her while Ezra helps me out over here with that animal of a Fifth Brother. We're holding him off pretty well, until he trips me over and pushes me away, leaving him to duel with Ezra. I stand up and run over to them again, only to be pushed by Ezra.

"Help Kanan out!"

I then notice that Kanan has one of the Seventh Sister's probe droids on his head, obviously against his will. I land as carefully as I can, remembering what the medical droid told me.

"Such a handsome face," she comments.

"I don't go for crazy anymore!" Kanan replies while struggling with the probe droid.

I take my blaster out and aim for the probe droid, and shoot it off Kanan's head. Then, I glare at the Seventh Sister and push her again.

"You'll flirt with anyone!"

She laughs. "Easy for you to say, Ms. Goodie Two Shoes."

She gets up and the two of us duel once more. For a moment there it looks like I'm winning, at least until she pushes me away.

And unfortunately, that push drags Ezra in as well, and he falls over the edge of a cliff.

"Ezra!" I react quickly, so does Kanan.

Kanan manages to grab Ezra to keep him from falling, but he barely grabs him by the ankle so he's struggling to pull him up. Meanwhile, the two Inquisitors are walking our way, so I have to make sure I keep them away.

The Seventh Sister grins evily at me. She advances alone, and I use both of my lightsabers to keep her busy. Anything to prevent her from getting to those two.

"Guys!" I yell. "Little help?!"

"What?" She mocks. "Can't take me on your own?"

"Heh," I say. "Don't get cocky, that'll only destroy you."

I use both of my lightsabers and shine as I deflect her flawlessly to land a roundhouse kick on her jaw. She stumbles a few steps backwards and frowns at me, while I smirk in return.

"Besides," I say. "I never said I couldn't."

At that moment, Kanan manages to throw Ezra over us and the three of us keep fighting against the Inquisitors.

"I got us a ride!" Ezra says. 

He starts running toward the cliff, and Kanan and I follow him.

"Kid, I don't like this!"

"Just get ready to jump!"

Ezra's the first one to deliberately leap off the cliff with a yelp. I follow him with blind trust, and then Kanan. We fall for a second or two, until a native flying monster picks us up and flies us away.

Blackbird (Ezra x OC)Where stories live. Discover now