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"We're going to do it," I tell Ezra.

He sits on my bed with his eyes closed. 

"I did promise, after all."

He opens his big blue eyes, those eyes I love, and smiles softly at me. He stands up and walks over to me, and takes me into a loving hug.

"Thanks," he says.

I trace his cheek. "I've said it many times, and I'll say it again. We're together in this."

He smiles and takes my hand to fully cup his cheek.

I pull him down closer to me so that I can kiss his soft, warm lips. He kisses me back in a way that I love so, so much. His kisses are slow, passionate, tender... and yet, soft as they are, the fact that they're slow and I can savor them perfectly makes me feel excited.

My hands rest gently on his chest, and his shyly on my waist. He keeps kissing me, and I give him full dominance and sink in. He then wraps his arms around my waist, firmly. He lifts me up slightly so that I'm standing on my toes, and he kisses me equally slowly but with more force.

He is an amazing kisser.

He then pulls apart and rests his forehead on mine.

"We need to go," I say.

"Yeah," he replies with a smile. "We've got our master to rescue."


We're at an imperial base, with lots and lots of TIEs and bucketheads. It's Sabine's job to create a distraction, and boy, does she love doing that. Meantime, Ezra, Zeb and I have to grab an imperial transport so that we can get closer to the fleet above Mustafar with ease. We can't exactly take blind risks on this one.

"Her distraction's working," I say. "Come on, let's go."

"Hey, who put you in charge?" Zeb asks.

"Does it matter?" Ezra says. "Let's just go."

"It does matter," I say cockily. "Hera put me in charge."

Zeb sighs and Ezra chuckles.

"Now let's move," I tell them and we make a run for the big imperial transport ahead of us. Thanks to Sabine, all the stormtroopers have their attention diverted from us. The transport already has its boarding platform down, so all we have to do is get on it and go up.

"Alright," I say upon reaching the cockpit. "I'm pilot."

"You'll need a copilot," Ezra smirks.

"Just don't fight each other," I reply. "I need both of you to help anyway."

I get the ship started and make it fly, after which I fly around the TIE fighters for Sabine to jump on board. Once we've made sure she's in, Ezra and Zeb help me in blowing up the TIEs so that none of those bucketheads come after us. So far, so good.

When we return to the Ghost, we dock with it so that our ships are together. We meet Hera in the common room.

"Well, that transport is going to help us get near the fleet above Mustafar," she says. "And definitely close to Tarkin's star destroyer."

"And there'll be more star destroyers with it," Zeb says.

"True that," I say.

"Sabine, what can you do?"

"Well," she shows a hologram of the star destroyer. "Control rooms are here and they spread throughout the ship. I could get there and mess with them, lock them down maybe. But our imperial transport is not going to fit in the hangar."

Blackbird (Ezra x OC)Where stories live. Discover now