Whispers of Freedom

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Ezra, Kanan and I on speeder bikes.

Imperials on our tails.

I think we can handle this.

"Aren't we going the wrong way?" Ezra asks Kanan.

"We don't wanna lead them back to the ship," Kanan replies. "Now follow me!"

We lead the imperials into a small town so that it will be easier to lose them there. I divert from Kanan and Ezra to lead a couple of Imperials away from them. I make some compromising manoeuvres that fortunately I can handle, but the Imperials can't and their bikes crash.

Then I meet back with Ezra and Kanan and we lose some more in the streets. When they're rounded up, we distract them with our empy bikes floating towards them, and then, Ezra stuns them with his hybrid lightsaber.

"Nice shot," I congratulate Ezra.

"Don't be surprised," he smirks, "I'm really getting the hang of this."

"Let's go, you two," Kanan says.

I love how he gets all uncomfortable when Ezra and I start hitting on each other.

Anyway, we get back to the Ghost where Hera, Zeb and Sabine are watching the transmission of Trayvis's official recognition from the Empire.

"These insurgents," a picture of us comes on the transmission, "have twisted my message into something violent. Therefore, I am offering a reward for their capture."

Hera turns it off. "It still makes me sick to think Trayvis is working for the empire."

"Every time we win, we lose," Ezra says sadly.

"Meh," I say. "We'll pull this off, we always do."

"Besides," Kanan says. "I have a plan that might just tip the scales."

"Kanan," I say, "are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

"Yeah," he says. "We're going to transmit our own little message."

"But how?" Ezra says. "Any signal we send will just be tracked by the Empire and blocked."

"We won't be using our own," Kanan says. 

"Wait... what?" Zeb says.

"You know those communication towers?" I say. 

"Are you seriously suggesting we take control of an imperial communications tower to broadcast our own message-" Ezra says.

"To a few people on Lothal?!" Zeb intervenes.

"Not just Lothal," I say. "One of the big towers can reach at least a few systems."

"I'm starting to get what you mean," Sabine says.

"This is a crazy plan," Ezra chuckles.

"But that's why you like it," Kanan replies.

"And what would we even say in the message?"

"Something the Empire never says," Kanan answers, "the truth. So can I count on you?"

"Count me in," Ezra replies.


The day after, we first need to go to the tower to scan a map and figure out exactly what we're gonna do and how we're gonna do it. We're crouching at the tp of an arch on the highway that leads to the tower with Ezra, Kanan and Sabine. 

"I see bucketheads on the perimeter," Sabine says, "and at least three anti-ship cannons. It won't be an easy trip to the front door."

"Don't underestimate yourself, Sabine," I say.

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