What's meant to be

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(A/N: I also put this song on the previous chapter, so let me just state the point: I think of this song as Ezra and Laurel's "love theme" (I sometimes even imagine them singing it), and you'll be seeing it many more times throughout the story. I do this in my fanfics as a means to connect even deeper to my readers, and have you guys feel what I felt while writing. That being said, enjoy the chapter!)

After we kissed, Ezra and I really haven't made any difference in our relationship. I guess we're both nervous... we have no idea what to do next. Oh, but I just want to take him out to the grass field, lie down on the grass at night and look at the stars while I'm in his arms... that and many more things. I just need to talk to him...

I stand in the corridor of the bedrooms waiting for Ezra. He really should be here by now, otherwise Kanan's gonna get angry at us for being late. Well, we already are, so Kanan's gonna scold us anyway.

"I'm here, I'm here!" Ezra yells while running in.

I greet him with a tight hug and a kiss on the cheek, then we open Kanan's door to find him meditating.

"Sorry we're late," Ezra says. "May we come in?"

"Neither of you knocked," he replies, "what makes you think you need an invite?"

"Um..." Ezra says. "I'm sorry."

Ezra and I walk in.

"Just knock first."

"Not about that, about missing training."

Kanan sighs slightly annoyed. "Ezra, it's all the same, the fact that you don't see it-"

Ezra looks slightly upset.

"Look," Kanan says, "you made a dangerous connection through the Force back on that asteroid. Now, I need to know if you're ready, both of you."

"We are ready!" Ezra says. "Wait... ready for what?"

"For a test," Kanan replies, "that could determine if you're meant to be Jedi, or not."

Ezra and I worry and exchange looks.

"But you said we were," I say. "Why else would you be training us?"

"I never said you were Jedi, I said you had the potential to become Jedi! But you have many lacks... focus, discipline."

"Look, you know how I grew up," Ezra says, his voice more sincere than ever. "I'm not used to all these rules, I just want to become the Jedi you see in me, the one I don't always see in myself!"

"You're lucky I'm not my master," Kanan says with a chuckle. "She wouldn't let me get away with-"

"With all the things you get away with?" I say.

"Do you want a second chance or not?"

"If you'll give me one," Ezra says.

"I'm not giving you anything," Kanan replies. "Now go prep the Phantom."

"Yes, Master," we say together and leave his room.

Ezra and I wait inside the Phantom for Kanan to get here so that we can leave to whatever test he's got in mind.

Ezra and I sit next to each other in silence, and I wonder if I should talk to him about the time we kissed.


"Bright Eyes?"

We both call each other at the exact same time, then chuckle nervously.

"You first," I say.

Blackbird (Ezra x OC)Where stories live. Discover now