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One of the rebel patrols that belongs to the fleet has gone missing, and logically, we need to get it back. After proving that we can take care on our own, Ezra and I were sent on this mission. But we're not alone, this time we're going to be with Commander Sato himself.

I've never been in a ship's bridge, at least not directly participating. I'm sitting next to one of the rebel officers that's handling hyperspace controls, and he's showing me more or less how to move things.

Ezra, on the other hand, is put on a controling panel at the back of the... "bridger"


Okay, bad pun, sorry. The point is he's over at the back scanning the areas and coordinates to see if he can find anything.

"Commander?" He says. "I've been running scans on the area and find that there's absolutely nothing."

Sato glares at Ezra.

Ezra notices and tries to fix what he said. "But the ship went missing and there must be something there which is why I'm going to look again."

"When Captain Syndulla assigned you to this mission," Sato says, "she told me that you would he helpful."

I chuckle at Blueberry. He looks back at his computer and I look back toward the front, when I get a strange feeling.


I squint my eyes, and though I don't see anything because we're in hyperspace, I can stll feel it...


My computer and my crew mates' starts beeping in emergency.

"What is going on?" Sato asks.

"Sir," says my crewmate. "Hyperdrive controls are offline!"

"Wait," Ezra says, "you mean we're being pulled out of hyperspace?"

Needless to say anything, Ezra is soon proven right when the ship starts moving out of control. We see lots of different colors, and feel a huge wave of force over us. I hang on tightly to my seat so avoid falling off of it, and finally, the ship stops moving so violently and glides normally. 

Then, a huge shadow covers our sights.

"A star destroyer?" I say.

"No," Sato replies. "This is something else... and they're pulling us in."

"Pulling us in? From hyperspace?"

"I don't know for sure how, but apparently they can do that now."

"So what happens next?"

"We don't really have much choice for escaping right now," Sato says. "For now it is best to cope."

Ezra and I exchange looks. No way we're going to just cope with the Empire.

But unfortunately, we're going to have to do it for now. Imperial troopers sieze the ship, forcing Sato, Ezra and I to go out. For the sake of the crew, at least. 

I try to think of an escape plan, but Ezra calms me down. 

Now's not the time, we'll make a run for it as soon as it's okay to.

I'm counting on you.

"Don't worry, commander," Ezra says. "We've been captured loads of times."

"That does not put my mind at ease, boy."

"What he means is," I cut in, "we've managed to escape all those times."

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